Integrated monitoring system Simona 111

  • Sep 16, 2021

It took Russian scientists and programmers eight years to turn an excellent idea into a working diagnostic medical device. I have experienced it myself.

Integrated monitoring system Simona 111

The device is called "Integrated monitoring system Simon 111", has been produced for 13 years, has a registration certificate from the Ministry of Health and a certificate of type approval of measuring instruments, but, unfortunately, few people know about it.

This is not another pseudoscientific invention, everything is built on the principles of evidence-based medicine. The main diagnostic components of "Simona" are known to all: electrocardiograph, pulse oximeter, blood pressure meter, rheocardiograph, electroencephalograph, thermometer. Additionally, a gas module, a respiratory mechanics module and a metabolograph can be connected.

Integrated monitoring system Simona 111

All these devices have been produced separately for a long time and are widely used. The idea of ​​"Simona" is that the simultaneous measurement of several parameters of the body and computer processing the obtained data allows you to quickly and accurately measure such parameters of the body that could not be measured earlier.

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For example, with the help of Simone, you can quickly and accurately identify children with increased abilities for professional sports.

The main purpose of the complex is a systemic analysis of vital functions of the body (central and peripheral hemodynamics, respiration, metabolism, activity of the central and autonomic nervous system), while simultaneously measuring the indicators of all three systems: cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous.

Monitoring takes seven minutes, after which results are given for 125 indicators, and for each of them the normal values ​​are calculated based on the age, gender, weight and height of the patient.

In many cases, it is enough to use only three channels for obtaining information: an eight-channel electrocardiograph / rheocardiograph (four sensors on the sides, four on neck), pulse oximeter and blood pressure meter (this is how measurements were made at a sports exhibition, where I got acquainted with the device and underwent diagnostics at it).

During the diagnosis, the results are displayed on the screen, but the presence of a doctor is not required.

The main diagnostic result is a three-page detailed report, which the doctor can review later.

This report contains detailed data on the state of the cardiovascular system, the size of the heart, the volume of pumped blood density, blood density, oxygen saturation, prerequisites for heart failure (alas, I had them discovered). By the density of the blood, it is possible to accurately determine whether a person has suffered from COVID19.

The report ends with six integral indicators:

Integral balance (IB) shows the level of functioning of the cardiopulmonary system at rest. Values ​​from -100 to +100 are considered the norm. For rested athletes, it is always above 100, for champions up to 700. If an athlete has an IB less than 100, this is a sign of overtraining. The runner Vladimir Voloshin (he is in the photo above), who was diagnosed after he ran 12 kilometers, had an IB of +250, and, alas, I had -145.

Personal fitness index (PFI) characterizes functional fitness and performance. The PFI is considered very high above 130; in outstanding athletes, it can reach 270. Normally, it is from 40 to 60. The runner's PFI was 67, and I, alas, 29.

Stress tolerance index (ISU), shows the body's ability to endure stressful physical and mental stress without harm to health. The norm is from 8 to 12. The runner has 9.9, I have 7.7.

The oxygen delivery index (DO2I) shows the intensity of aerobic metabolic processes. In athletes, with active recovery after physical exertion, it can reach 1500, with full recovery it is close to 600. The norm is 500-700. The runner had 1015, I had 660 (although here it is within the normal range).

Adaptive reserve (AR) - the level of the body's reserves for performing physical and mental work. Athletes reach 1500 at their peak, and after the competition it drops to 400. The norm is 400-600. After a distance of 12 kilometers, the runner had 677, I had 374 without any distance. :(

Cardiac reserve (CR) - the reserve of the heart. The norm is 4-6, in athletes it can reach 11. The runner had 5.45, I had 4.36.

Simona can be used in medical institutions to assess the level of health of the cardiovascular system, to identify tendencies of disruption of the cardiovascular system in the early stages before the onset of symptoms, identifying the level stress.

In sports, Simona can help in the selection for professional sports, to assess the effectiveness of recovery measures, to rank athletes during competition and training, for express diagnostics of overtraining, to assess the correctness of the calculation of training loads, to assess readiness for maximum results before competitions.

In special services, Simona can be used for selection in special forces, for early diagnosis of overwork and latent pathologies.

At the exhibition, I managed to communicate with the creator of Simone - Alexander Alexandrovich Antonov.

First, he told me about my sad diagnostic results, and then we talked about the history of the device and its prospects.

Unfortunately, in 13 years, only 124 devices were sold and most of them work in sports organizations. Athletes quickly realized how useful this is for them, but health officials often do not understand why buy an "ECG, tonometer and pulse oximeter in one case" when they already have all these instruments separately. Now the situation has moved a little from a dead center and a contract has been signed for the purchase of several Simon complexes with one well-known a network of private clinics, so there is a chance that diagnostics using this device will become available to everyone in the next year.

Now the Scientific and Educational Center for Innovative Medicine "Pharma2030" is actively promoting Simona, so there is a hope that the complex will become famous and popular.

© 2021, Alexey Nadezhin

For ten years I have been writing every day about technology, discounts, places of interest and events. Read my blog on the site, v LJ, Zen, Mirtesen, Telegram.
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