How I prepare my garden for winter and carry out autumn treatments of plants against diseases and pests

  • Oct 10, 2021
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In order to enjoy delicious fruits again next season, summer residents must prepare the garden for the winter period in the fall. To do this, crops and soil should be properly treated from diseases and pests. I will tell you about the necessary actions that need to be taken at this time.

Preparing the garden for winter.
Preparing the garden for winter.
Preparing the garden for winter.

Parasite protection

In my garden, there are trapping belts hanging on the trees, in which various pests accumulate, such as weevils, apple moths. As soon as autumn comes, I take them off and burn them along with the insects. When the cold comes, many pests try to hide, while climbing into the ground near trees and hiding under the bark. In this regard, first I clean the stems of lichen and old bark, cover up the wounds with a garden varnish and be sure to whiten the tree trunks with a prepared solution of copper sulfate.

Before the onset of frost, it is necessary to protect the trunks of fruit trees from rodent infestations. In this case, I use spruce branches, a metal mesh, a cut plastic bottle or roofing felt. With their help, I tie the trunk.

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Spraying shrubs and trees in autumn

I advise you to treat the plants with Bordeaux liquid (3%) immediately after leaf fall. Such a composition will help get rid of pathogens of diseases such as powdery mildew, scab. Using a spray gun I spray trees, bushes and decorative perennials.

By the end of October, you can spray the crown of shrubs and plants, as well as the soil under them, with a composition consisting of urea (500-700 g) and liquid (10 l). This procedure protects against the appearance of spotting and scab.

Spraying shrubs. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Spraying shrubs. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

For an apple orchard, you can additionally spray with iron sulfate (5%).

During spraying, the weather should be dry and calm. Use rubber gloves, respirator, protective clothing and goggles during processing to protect eyes from liquid chemicals.

Digging the ground in the autumn

Before preparing the soil for the winter period, you must first remove all fallen leaves from the territory. Harmful insects and fungal spores can hide in it, so you don't need to leave any remnants of vegetation on the ground. As soon as you cope with the cleaning and put things in order on the site, start digging the soil.

Dig up the earth with a sharp shovel, the depth should be at least 15-20 cm between the rows, and according to the projection of the crown of bushes and plants about 10-15 cm. If the soil is not very dense, you can do with loosening with a rake or a Fokin plane cutter.

Digging the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Digging the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

During the procedure, perennial weeds and parasite larvae turned up to the surface of the earth should be removed. After all, I advise you to add fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

Add superphosphate (300 g) and potassium sulfate (200 g) under each adult tree (pear and apple). Place fertilizers with organic matter or simply sprinkle substances around the plant and pour with liquid. To feed cherries and plums, dilute superphosphate in a bucket of water (3 tbsp. l.) and potassium sulfate (2 tbsp. l.). Pour 4-5 buckets of the prepared solution under the tree. These fertilizers will help improve the cold tolerance of crops.

If your site is too depleted, you should add the not completely rotted manure mass to the soil, and when the need to reduce the acidity of the earth by adding slaked lime, wood ash, dolomite flour.

Dig the soil on dry days, as the damp earth will not become loose, but only thicker.

Read also: Cucumber leaves turn yellow - how to fight?

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#garden#preparing for winter#plant treatment