Meat "in French" in a new way, which will be even better fed

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Meat "in French" in a new way, which will be even better fed
Meat "in French" in a new way, which will be even better fed

Meat "in French," the former Soviet Union can be called one of the most popular dishes for the celebration. Still would! Chops with onions and cheese, baked in the oven... well, just Yum. We offer a little bit to improve this dish and make it tastier and more filling.

Pork must be repelled.
Pork must be repelled.

In some restaurants and cafes this dish is called "frying pan". The classic ingredients (meat, onion, cheese), add the tomatoes and potatoes.

Potatoes need to grate and chop the tomatoes and onions into slices. Meat repulse.

Tomatoes cut into circles.
Tomatoes cut into circles.

Baking the lubricating oil and spread layers of onions, meat, potatoes and tomatoes. It lubricates all the mayonnaise and send in the oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees bake 35-40 minutes. In the five minutes before the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese to melt it.

Potatoes Grate.
Potatoes Grate.

Because we have departed from the classic recipe, we will go even further. For meals, you can use any meat, not just pork. However, we must remember that the best pre-marinate beef. Bon Appetit!

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in continuation of the theme will be out of place to learn about this trick, how to defrost the meat for dinner in just five minutes.

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