Pond: installation, plant selection - advice to gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019

Pond of plastic bowls come in all shapes and sizes. Aquatic plants, fountains and lights will turn even the smallest pond in the garden a real gem.

Pond. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Pond. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

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Simply and effectively

On sale now widely available ready-tight bowl ponds of plastic or fiberglass. Their installation on the shoulder to any gardener. A small artificial pond looks particularly attractive in poluzatenennom corner of the garden, which is visible from the house and from the patio. Standing next to the bench and spectacular lighting will allow you to enjoy them in the evening. In cold weather, small cup freeze, but because the vast majority of animals and plants in the winter they can not.

Pond shore should not border on the lawn - or mowing the lawn can damage the plastic cup, and herbal crumb will fall into the water. To avoid this, surround pond strip of gravel.
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Garden pond step by step

Place the bowl in the appropriate place.

Ensure that the distance to the neighboring landing least 2 m. Now turn the container upside down and draw it to the ground contours. Dig a pit width of about 30 cm longer bowl loop, trying to fit as closely as possible to the shape of the edges of the tank.

On the bottom of the pit pour sand layer thickness of about 2.5 cm and put on it the cup - the edges must almost touch the future reservoir banks. Slowly filling the cup with water, sand or earth backfill all voids between its walls and the edges of the hole.

It is important constantly to stamp the ground. On the inner projections chaiiy (swampy area) lay pond soil or clay and bog plants will land here. Secure ground gravel and add water to the cup brim. Marshy pond area can also be vegetated by plants in baskets and other containers. Install water fountains and equipment for lighting, securely hiding from the eyes of all the electrical wires.

Light, Pump and fountains

All installation of electrical equipment in the water must be carried out by qualified specialists. Pumps for fountains can operate from the power supply voltage of 220 V, and via step-down transformers. If the pump is in the water, put it on a couple of bricks to be scored accumulating at the bottom of the pond sludge.

The pump provides not only the work of the fountain, but also the circulation of water in the pond, thus contributing to most of its enrichment with oxygen, which is vital to living in it and plants animals. Throwing fountain water falls back into the pond, even in a strong wind, its power and size should match the size of the reservoir. The pump circulates the water should be taken into account when selecting aquatic plants - many of them (for example, water lilies) prefer to grow in standing water. Riparian vegetation, on the other hand, benefits from a fountain created by high humidity.

For 30 minutes, you can:

  • Embedded in the ground a small bowl ready for the pond.
  • Land plants with underwater ledges of a plastic cup.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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