Scientists from Russia have practically developed a new generation thermoelectric generator, which has no analogues in the world

  • Oct 30, 2021

Researchers from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University are developing a new generation of thermoelectric generators, which are ten times more efficient than their counterparts in market. The final product will go into production by the end of 2021!

We have been studying various modifications of carbon nanotubes for quite some time, more than 15 years. Not only for thermoelectric generators, but also, for example, for efficient electronic auto-emitters and various types of sensors - light-sensitive sensors, etc.

The model of interaction of the heat flux and electronic subsystems in our carbon nanostructure is the basis for creating a specific device - a thermoelectric generator ", - explained the head of the development group Olga Kvashenkene, Director of the STC "Neural forecasting of materials and technologies for the electronics industry" (NCMU SPbPU "Advanced digital technologies").

A thermoelectric generator is a small-sized device (housing dimensions 5 mm) × (2 mm in size), which converts thermal energy into electrical energy. The device contains a complex carbon nanostructure.

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In the photo below you can see the new thermoelectric generator.

When heated, quantum electrodynamic processes occur in the structure, leading to thermoelectric generation. In heated structures with a complex stoichiometry, interactions of the electronic and structural subsystems (lattices) are excited. This quantum-physical interaction leads to the generation of electric current due to the thermal effect.

“Thermoelectric generators are based on carbon nanotubes that can be modified in various ways,” explains Olga Kvashenkina. - It is well known that carbon can be in the form of diamonds and is an almost ideal dielectric - A material that does not conduct electricity and is in the form of graphite is a very good conductor of electrical current.

It is on the basis of these two anisotropic carbon composites that our generators are based. We obtain this composite using a completely unique technology that allows us to reproduce the properties of a thermoelectric generator, which is very good for industrial projects. "

The principle of operation is related to the structure of the nanocomposite carbon fiber used in the generator in its various states.

The alternation of conducting and non-conducting states of the same material makes it possible to use the properties of the interaction between heat and electron flow. The calculation of this interaction and its physical nature, observed in thermoelectric generators, is applicable to single quanta of thermal radiation and single electrons, which allows us to assert that quantum electrodynamic processes.

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“It can be said without any doubt that there are no similar devices either in Russia or abroad, operating on the same constructive basis as our thermoelectric generators - says Olga Kvashenkin.

Before starting any project, researchers conduct technological forecasts and try to assess their level of expertise in the area of ​​interest in comparison with foreign countries. In addition, the researchers analyze the range of products available on the global market.

Well, we will follow the development of this kind of technology and, most importantly, what practical benefits this kind of generators can bring.

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