A motorist squeezed a roll of paper between the glass and frame: How can such a strange trick can save lives

  • Dec 24, 2019

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According to statistics, Pulitzer Center, automobiles annually kills over a million lives around the world. And the trouble may lie in wait, not only on bad roads, but even in the parking lot or in his garage. To remove at least a small part of the auto-risk, should try the unusual "test of toilet paper." Sounds ridiculous, but it can seriously save a life!

Vehicle weight poses dangers to the child.
Vehicle weight poses dangers to the child.

The car - a potentially dangerous thing for any adult. But even more risks in the car awaits children. And often those about which parents can not even guess. It draws attention Janet Fennel, Founder of the charitable organization «KidsAndCars». And warns that harm to children's health may even automatic glass in cars.

Press glass lift button so simple, and the consequences can be unpredictable.
Press glass lift button so simple, and the consequences can be unpredictable.

For example, few people know that weight is only 9 kilos is enough to damage the fragile baby's neck and spine. For comparison, glass machine lifted with a force comparable to 14-36 kilograms. And to start the mechanism of the child just enough to press the button with his knee.

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Place the roll of paper between the glass and the frame.
Place the roll of paper between the glass and the frame.

So not obvious at first glance, the reason every year kills tens of children's lives. To avoid this, Janet offers parents a special test drive for windows. Put a frame roll of paper towels or toilet paper, and press the "glass lift".

That's the way - safely.
That's the way - safely.

If, having come across an obstacle, the glass itself will start to sink - excellent, your car is equipped with automatic safety functions. The child, even the most restless, outside the risk zone. But if you roll only slowed the progress of glass, but it has not returned to its original position - better take care of the installation (or configuration) of the additional glass door closer. Unless, of course, there are kids in the family.

Caring parents will do everything for the sake of children's safety. But the children themselves do not lag behind adults. For example, Now this schoolgirl inventedapparatus for a vehicleWhich has already copied thousands of adults around the world.

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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/180418/45827/