It turns out that to get very large potatoes, you do not need to "reinvent the wheel" and experiment with a variety of commercial and other fertilizers. Everything can be done much easier, and the effect will be even better than when using traditional dressings. This method is quite old, but the result exceeds any, even the most daring expectations.
And the little chest just opens
It's all about the bread crusts - breadcrumbs. The bread is not always eaten completely. There are pieces left that can be dried. Quite a lot of such pieces are collected throughout the year. And this is an ideal top dressing for potatoes, and most importantly, it is not difficult to prepare it.
When planting tubers, it is enough to throw a piece of dried bread into each hole. The harvest will be not only rich, but also large.
There is also a completely scientific explanation for this. Bread has a strengthening effect on plants, increases their immunity. These vegetables have a stronger root system than those using traditional feeding. In fact, potatoes grow much larger and with better taste.
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Continuing the topic read, how to keep potatoes and other vegetables from the gluttonous wireworm and preserve the harvest.
A source:
1. A country where there are no unemployed and poor, and gasoline is cheaper than water
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3. How many liters of gasoline remain in the tank when the light comes on (video)