I'm talking about the peculiarities of planting and growing winter garlic - how I get large heads with vigorous cloves

  • Nov 17, 2021

Planting winter garlic is one of the frequent activities that take place in the fall. I want to tell you how to properly carry out the procedure and take care of the crop in order to enjoy a delicious harvest in the spring.

Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Benefits of winter garlic

This is not the first year I have been planting garlic before winter. For myself, I have highlighted a number of advantages of this method:

  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • natural hardening;
  • high immunity to most diseases;
  • smooth head and teeth;
  • high taste;
  • early harvest.

However, I advise you to pay attention to the disadvantages:

  • it is necessary to choose varieties suitable for planting before winter;
  • the amount of planting material must be taken by 1/3 more than in spring, since there remains a risk that some cloves will die;
  • the harvest of winter garlic is not stored.
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If difficulties do not bother me, I recommend paying attention to such varieties as:

  • Dragoon;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Love;
  • Autumn;
  • Dobrynya.

At one time, I tried each of them. I liked them for their high resistance to weather fluctuations - they successfully wintered 90% of the planting, even in a snowless winter. The harvest is mid-season, with high taste. The denticles are large, cream-colored, dense. The taste is spicy.

Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Features of planting winter garlic

First of all, before the event, I carefully select the cloves. I use only strong, medium sized, no signs of disease or insect damage.

I start the procedure when the first frosts began. Since I am in central Russia, this time falls on the end of October. In the southern regions - the end of November. In the north - early October.

I use the classic single-tier planting in rows:

  • I make grooves 15 cm deep;
  • I keep a distance of 20 cm between them;
  • I close it up to a depth of 8 cm.

Sprinkle the garden bed with earth and a small amount of sand. I recommend covering with raspberry branches cut in autumn - in a similar way I arrange snow retention.

In the spring, when planting garlic, I also recommend carrying out a number of activities.

Winter garlic care in spring

First of all, as soon as the snow began to melt, I remove the mulch from the garden.

After the earth has dried up, I loosen the aisles. This will improve oxygen access to the teeth and make the soil lighter, seedlings will appear faster. The procedure is carried out after each rain or watering.

In the spring, during the same period, weeds are actively growing. I remove them periodically, otherwise they will oppress the garlic.

In order for the heads to be formed large and of the correct shape, I advise you to adhere to the watering scheme:

  • in rainy weather - do not exercise in order to avoid stagnant moisture and the appearance of fungal diseases;
  • hot weather - at least once every 5 days;
  • moderate - 1 time in 7 days.

I use soft and warm water. I periodically water it with saline. The objectives of the event are as follows:

  • preventive measure against pests;
  • improving the assimilation of nitrogen by the plant.
Watering the garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Watering the garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

I start the procedure in the second half of May. To prepare a saline solution, I use 100 g of table salt for 1 bucket of water.

Spring feeding will allow you to form regular and large heads. The first fertilization is carried out 7 days after the snow has melted.

I use one of the mineral compositions:

  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • nitroammofosk;
  • superphosphate.

These components have a high nitrogen content, which is necessary for winter garlic in spring.

I reapply the composition after 14 days.

From organics, I recommend paying attention to the following dressings:

  • yeast;
  • wood ash;
  • ammonia.

Planting garlic before winter makes it possible to harvest earlier. I use it for salads, appetizers, and preserves.

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#winter garlic#planting garlic#growing garlic