Meet the tomato Nepas. What is behind this name and how to properly grow such tomatoes

  • Nov 20, 2021
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The name of the tomatoes speaks for itself. These are tomatoes that do not need to be pinned. Bushes of these varieties are usually undersized, up to seventy centimeters, high-yielding and perfect for growing in a greenhouse and outdoors. From my own experience I can offer some of the most unpretentious varieties of Nepas that differ in their original taste.

Tomatoes Nepas. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Tomatoes Nepas. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Tomatoes Nepas. Illustration for the article is used from the site


Early ripening variety with red fruits, round and flat. The bush is half a meter high. The plant is unpretentious and very productive.

Nepas 2

Medium early, for salads, round fruits, raspberry color. Stunted, resistant to various climatic changes. Can also be used for canning.

Tomatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Tomatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Nepas 3

An early ripening variety, fruit ripening in three months. Can be planted in a seedless way. The fruits are large, dense, suitable for making pasta, which turns out to be thick and rich in taste.

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Nepas 9

An early ripe variety, cylindrical-shaped fruits, pink, distinguished by a special fleshiness. Bushes up to eighty centimeters high, high-yielding.

Tomatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Tomatoes. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Nepas 12

The most unpretentious variety, ultra-early maturing. Fruits are bright red, large. Absolutely resistant to any temperature extremes, high-yielding.


If your area has a more or less stable climate, then you can grow Nepas using a seedless method, sowing seeds directly into the garden. But, since tomatoes are still a thermophilic culture, I advise you to sow seeds either in a warm garden bed, or in boxes, or in buckets.

The easiest way to grow tomatoes is in buckets. The metal container heats up quickly in the sun. In adverse weather conditions, the bucket can be easily brought into the greenhouse or even home. Fertilizers and water are used exclusively for tomatoes. For planting Nepas in a bucket, a special soil is prepared from turf and humus in equal proportions, peat, ash and sawdust are added. The resulting mixture is treated with potassium permanganate.

Growing tomatoes in buckets. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Growing tomatoes in buckets. Illustration for the article is used from the site

You can make a bed-box, that is, an ordinary high bed, fenced with boards. Arches for covering material are placed above the bed to prolong the fruiting of tomatoes. The soil is formed from waste and plant residues, which, when rotting, give heat, thereby allowing the planting and growing of Nepas from seeds, without seedlings.

Nepas are the most unpretentious, fruitful and delicious tomatoes, which even a novice gardener can cope with growing. And in an area with a warm climate, where you can plant these crops with seeds directly on the garden bed, consider that they will grow on their own, with minimal care on your part.

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#nepas tomatoes#types of nepas#garden