Why did German soldiers carry a pistol on the left side and Russians on the right?

  • Nov 23, 2021
If you look at the documentary footage and photos from the Second World War, you can immediately see that the equipment of the German and Soviet soldiers is different. The soldiers of the Wehrmacht have a holster with a pistol on the left side, and for the soldiers of the Red Army - on the right. Why is that?
If you look at the documentary footage and photos from the Second World War, you can immediately see that the equipment of the German and Soviet soldiers is different. The soldiers of the Wehrmacht have a holster with a pistol on the left side, and for the soldiers of the Red Army - on the right. Why is that?
If you look at the documentary footage and photos from the Second World War, you can immediately see that the equipment of the German and Soviet soldiers is different. The soldiers of the Wehrmacht have a holster with a pistol on the left side, and for the soldiers of the Red Army - on the right. Why is that?

1. Versions

There are many different versions of why the German soldiers wore the holster on the left, and the Russians on the right Photo: culture.ru
There are many different versions of why German soldiers wore a holster on the left, and Russians on the right / Photo: culture.ru
There are many different versions of why German soldiers wore a holster on the left, and Russians on the right / Photo: culture.ru

Debates and controversies are regularly held on the Internet on this issue. People interested in weapons and equipment in general put forward various versions on this score. There are many who are inclined to think that this is a simple accident. In fact, there were very real reasons and they are rooted in the history of the formation of both armies.

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2. It all started with the cavalry

Almost every 8th soldier in Russia before the revolution was a cavalryman / Photo: Twitter
Almost every 8th soldier in Russia before the revolution was a cavalryman / Photo: Twitter

It was the cavalrymen of both countries who played an important role in this matter. Almost every 8th serviceman in Russia before the revolution was a cavalryman. Another feature of our army is the Cossacks, who fought in a rather specific way.

An obligatory element in the equipment of the cavalrymen was edged weapons, which were the main ones in the conduct of equestrian combat. Both the cavalrymen and the Cossacks on the left side wore a saber or saber. On the left were the edged weapons and officers from other units: somewhere - they were broadswords, the sailors - a dagger. By the way, even a military doctor had a dagger on the left side. This makes it much easier to reach it with your right hand when needed. The harness was worn on the right shoulder. The infantrymen, privates, had their own weapon on their belt - a bayonet.

For a long time, the military had to combine two different types of weapons - cold and firearms / Photo: tagileparhiya.ru
For a long time, the military had to combine two different types of weapons - cold and firearms / Photo: tagileparhiya.ru

In the nineteenth century, pistols began to appear in our army, followed by revolvers with revolvers. But the main thing all the same for a long time remained directly edged weapons and firearms did not supplant them. As a result, the military had to combine two different types of weapons - cold and firearms. The left side was already occupied with melee weapons, so the right side remained for the firearm.

Gradually, following the example of the Cossacks and cavalry, this option for carrying weapons migrated to other parts / Photo: waralbum.ru
Gradually, following the example of the Cossacks and cavalry, this option for carrying weapons migrated to other parts / Photo: waralbum.ru

Gradually, following the example of the Cossacks and cavalry, this variant of carrying weapons migrated to other units. In 1912 g. instead of the usual holster, officers of not very high ranks have a sample of a new format such as "Sam Brown". It had two straps, which made it more convenient to place the weapon on both sides. Due to the fact that both firearms and edged weapons were actively used, the officers placed the holster on the right.

Officers of not very high ranks, instead of the usual holster, have a sample of a new format such as "Sam Brown" / Photo: guns.allzip.org
Officers of not very high ranks, instead of the usual holster, have a sample of a new format such as "Sam Brown" / Photo: guns.allzip.org

3. Wehrmacht army

After the First World War was lost, Germany was forbidden to have a regular army / Photo: gotps3.ru
After the First World War was lost, Germany was forbidden to have a regular army / Photo: gotps3.ru

For the Germans, the history of the army proceeded according to a different scenario. After the First World War was lost, for some period of time Germany, according to the terms of the Versailles Peace, was prohibited from having a regular army.

When Hitler launched active preparations for the seizure of the world, the army had to be created practically from scratch / Photo: clio-historia.livejournal.com
When Hitler launched active preparations for the seizure of the world, the army had to be created practically from scratch / Photo: clio-historia.livejournal.com

When Hitler launched active preparations to conquer the whole world, the army, in a sense, was created from practically nothing. This applied to absolutely all points, in particular the form. In the thirties of the last century, they relied on technology, and the use of edged weapons was no longer considered. And the cavalry is a thing of the past, although horses were used for indirect purposes. As a result, the holster ended up in the place where the melee weapon was previously located. As a result, every day there was a holster with a pistol on the left. During the parade, an award saber could be placed there.

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The German army focused on technology, so a holster with a pistol took the place of cold steel / Photo: mayatnik.net
The German army focused on technology, so a holster with a pistol took the place of cold steel / Photo: mayatnik.net

Pistols were also not the main weapon of destruction, so this arrangement became a completely normal option. Strict requirements in both armies were imposed only on the authorized carrying of firearms. In a real battle, people themselves decided what was most convenient for them.

It will be equally interesting and useful to find out
why the German tank crews of the Second World War did not wear headsets.
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