Why China built the longest road in the desert among the dunes

  • Dec 11, 2021
Why China built the longest road in the desert among the dunes

China is one of the most populated countries in the world, the economy of which has already come out on top in a number of indicators. At the same time, both the population of China and the country's economic facilities are extremely unevenly distributed over its territory. This is because a representative part of the territory is actually not suitable for life, as it is represented by mountains or deserts. Actually, this is what the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire want to fix in the foreseeable future.

Landscaping is being carried out around the road. | Photo: pinterest.com.
Landscaping is being carried out around the road. | Photo: pinterest.com.
Landscaping is being carried out around the road. | Photo: pinterest.com.

Today, China is one of the most generous investors in domestic and foreign infrastructure projects. Surely many people had to stumble across the Internet on videos in accelerated playback, where Chinese builders are building a bridge or road junction in just a day or a few. Today, the Celestial Empire is distinguished not only by its rapid growth, but also by investments in what is commonly called the word "megaproject". One of these is the construction of a highway, a highway through the Taklamakan Desert.

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The same desert. | Photo: novate.ru.
The same desert. | Photo: novate.ru.

This highway is numbered S165 and connects to several adjacent roads, such as the G315. Today the highway is two-lane and completely paved. It is remarkable only for the fact that it is the longest highway passing through the desert. The G315 is 500 kilometers long. For comparison, a 460 km long highway stretches from Moscow to Voronezh, and it was not built in the desert.

Track and oil pool. | Photo: novate.ru.
Track and oil pool. | Photo: novate.ru.

Construction of the main section of the S165 road was actually completed back in 1997, and the route was being finalized in the early 2000s. Today it is fully functional and accessible to all in need on the way through the desert. So why did the Chinese need to lay asphalt in the middle of the dunes? In fact, everything is extremely simple: oil. Back in the 1970s, the Tarim oil and gas basin (from the name of the Tarim River) with significant hydrocarbon deposits was discovered in Taklamakan. Thus, the S165 has become just one of many (and the largest) infrastructure facilities that are used for exploration, production and transportation of raw materials.

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The road of life in the desert of death. ¦Photo: humanosphere.org.
The road of life in the desert of death. ¦Photo: humanosphere.org.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about 8 weirdbut a promising innovation in road construction.
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