A neighbor grabbed the land and registered ownership of the grab. At first I did not believe it, now I am also collecting papers

  • Dec 17, 2021

Many are familiar with the situation when a no-man's piece of land is empty near the site. But it may not be 10 square meters, or even 20, but a whole hundred square meters! This mainly applies to the extreme areas, which either side go to the field or forest belt. So why not add this extra hundred square meters to your site? Fenced off with a fence and no one will know ...

Yes, many do just that, using not only the land that they bought, but also take it for themselves - “since the land is no one, it will be mine” and fenced off. But, there are many evil languages ​​and here you can already run into a fine... And this is for a minute at least 1% of the cadastral value - it turns out very decently. Then the question arises: why wait for unpleasant news when you can go the other way - to legitimize everything?

A neighbor grabbed the land and registered ownership of the grab. At first I did not believe it, now I am also collecting papers

Previously, these actions were banned, but not so long ago amendments were added to the Land Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter V.4), now you can add the seized territory to your land.

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In fact, if this vacant land is not owned by an individual, then it is owned by the municipality. Accordingly, we have the opportunity to contact the administration of the municipality and get information on which of the ways you can add extra land to your site. This is exactly what my neighbor in the country did, turned to the administration, for several months "knocked" the thresholds and in the end got the result - he became the owner of the grabbed land!

I learned from him. Our dachas are located 30 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don on the edge of the farm, and I also took a draw territory due to the fact that the site is concave, one of its borders is located in an arc due to the former artificial reservoir.

The semicircular fence is not very beautiful, they made it even, thereby taking away about a hundred square meters of land. And now we are preparing the documents, we are waiting for the surveyor.

Where to begin...

There are organizations that are engaged in land surveying and division of land, where we need a cadastral engineer. We come to him, explain the situation, he leaves, examines and prepares the appropriate schemes and acts. Further, a surveyor leaves and takes measurements of the tacked land, according to which the cadastral engineer will prepare a package of documents for the MFC.

In the case of a positive answer, we receive a boundary plan. Following the results of cadastral registration, we go to the ransom, after which we register the property.


The cost is always approved by local governments, but this cost is several times lower than the market value - usually 10-20% of the cadastral one. Why so cheap? The explanation is simple - it is very problematic to use this land in circulation, in fact, these territories have been used by citizens for a long time and are often already surrounded by fences.

Reasons for refusal

You cannot grab the territories that are located on the facade, in other words, you cannot crawl out beyond the red line, as well as territories that are in common use. It is prohibited to take objects of cultural heritage.

Another refusal can be obtained if the maximum size of the plot is violated, that is, if the area of ​​the "cut off" territory is larger than the one established by the administration. But, often this value is not set, then the area of ​​this site should be no more than 10% of the area of ​​the site to which the stick is cut. For example, we can grab 10% of the land, calculated from the area of ​​the land owned. We own 20 acres, so I can formalize the ownership of only two acres of land - no more.

If you have a stuck area, I recommend that you seek the advice of an engineer - there are reasons for failure that are difficult to predict. But, in most cases, after submitting the documents to the MFC, a positive answer comes.

I hope this information will be useful to you!