I spied on the neighbors' method of growing garlic along with strawberries - I figure out why and how this is done

  • Dec 24, 2021
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Previously, gardeners grew garlic remotely from other crops. But some "originals" prefer to plant it with strawberries. It is believed that this will allow the stalks of the garlic to grow stronger and stronger, and the heads of the garlic to grow to a large size. In addition, the economical use of land significantly reduces labor costs and is suitable for those with a small plot.

Garlic with strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Garlic with strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Garlic with strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Garlic repels numerous pests and viruses from strawberries. Garlic and strawberries work the same way.

Winter varieties of garlic are more unpretentious. Less time is spent on care, and the heads are usually larger.

It is best to plant garlic in the fall. If together with strawberries, then between its bushes. It is better to choose the largest cloves of garlic. After the planting itself, you need to fill the hole with soil and humus.

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In the spring months, when there is snow, you need to scatter ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate over the beds.

Fertilizer can also be spread later, just before spring rains. When shoots appear, you need to loosen the ground. This is done very carefully near strawberries; it is important not to damage the root system.

In summer, it is recommended to water the beds with infusion of chicken droppings and infusion of mullein. You need to regularly pick off the garlic arrows to get large heads.

Watering of plants is carried out regularly. It is important to consider the weather conditions. Harvesting is done as standard. Garlic can be removed with an agronomic knife. This is a special device for removing weeds along with the roots.

Garlic with strawberries. Illustration for the article is used from the site sadovodka.ru
Garlic with strawberries. Illustration for the article is used from the site sadovodka.ru

The joint cultivation of strawberries and garlic is organized in several ways:

  • garlic is planted between strawberry beds;
  • several rows of one plant alternate with several rows of another;
  • alternate planting of garlic and strawberries in the same place.

Many experienced gardeners believe that for a good harvest, it is better to alternate planting strawberries and garlic. Some of them plant 4-5 strawberry beds and the same number of garlic beds.

Strawberries and garlic have a positive effect on each other. They promote development and growth. According to statistics, these crops growing nearby give a more bountiful harvest.

Growing garlic with strawberries. The illustration for the article is used from the site rosegardening.org
Growing garlic with strawberries. The illustration for the article is used from the site rosegardening.org

To obtain large heads of garlic in the summer, the beds need to be fertilized with mullein or chicken droppings. It is important to remove the arrows on time. The fact is that they take away the plant's strength, which must go away for the seeds to ripen.

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#garlic with strawberries#growing together#garden