Why not pour the remnants of yogurt, or elementary snack, from which it is difficult to give up

  • Dec 24, 2019

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And try not only to ask for supplements.
And try not only to ask for supplements.

The refrigerator is a big family there will always be small remnants of the products that are already there do not hunt, and throw a pity. But no wonder they say that the remains sweet. If the house is a bit of yogurt and sour cream, they can be turned into something truly delicious. Caution: fingers in this case is not just lick, but to sgryzosh knuckles!

Cheese "Philadelphia" like all over the world. But you can do no worse than at home.
Cheese "Philadelphia" like all over the world. But you can do no worse than at home.

Soft cheese Philadelphia It enjoys great popularity around the world. At least for a sandwich smear, even in sushi wraps. But few people realize that it is not less tasty snack can be cooked at home by yourself. And will be released ten times cheaper.

To prepare homemade soft cheese, you will need:

1. Kefir (pint);
2. Sour cream (half a liter);
3. Salt (teaspoon);
4. Dill;
5. Gauze

Mix yogurt and sour cream and wrap in cheesecloth.
Mix yogurt and sour cream and wrap in cheesecloth.

Cover the gauze colander or strainer in 5-6 layers. On the gauze lay sour cream and pour yogurt. Thoroughly mix both ingredients, wrap and put under a small load in the refrigerator for two days.

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With greens tastier.
With greens tastier.

Two days later, take the fennel and finely chop it. Take out the blank from the refrigerator and roll it in the manner of rolls or "stick". Now good "drag" it to the green and you can bring to the table.

Impossible to resist!
Impossible to resist!

This appetizer exactly will not leave anyone indifferent. And is not it nice to please loved yummy homemade?
And here you can learn about
the secret ingredient for eggsThat's great rescue even of those who did not work out with the cooking.

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