"Balkenkreuz": what does the white cross on German military equipment mean?

  • Jan 18, 2021
"Balkenkreuz": what does the white cross on German military equipment mean?
"Balkenkreuz": what does the white cross on German military equipment mean?

Everyone had to see German equipment from the Second World War in films and in photographs. You don't need to be too observant to notice a very strange white cross on it, which consists of several corners and is most often "empty" inside. Does this symbol have anything to do with the Nazis or does it still appear in Germany long before the Second World War.

The symbol appeared in the 19th century. / Photo: youtube.com.
The symbol appeared in the 19th century. / Photo: youtube.com.

The mysterious German cross is called "Balkenkreuz" or "Balkenkreuz". It appeared long before World War II, when there were still no Nazis on German soil. The symbol was invented back in 1813 in Prussia (when Germany as a country did not exist yet). It was used as a reward for the liberation of the state from Napoleon. In fact, "Balkenkreuz" is another stylization of the Teutonic girder iron cross and the cross of St. Nicholas.

It has always been a symbol of the German army. / Photo: vk.com.

Subsequently, the national Prussian cross migrated to the German Empire. Already in the First World War, "Balkenkreuz" began to be applied to the wings and tails of German aircraft. The cross was recognized as the official symbol of the empire's air force. Thanks to such a successful national designation, the cars were easily distinguishable both from the ground and in the air. Subsequently, the cross began to be used in the ground forces - the Wehrmacht.

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Teutonic cross on the technique of the Third Reich. / Photo: pravda-tv.ru.

The Nazis who came to power in the 1930s did not give up the symbol. In 1935, "Balkenkreuz" was once again redesigned and took the form in which most residents of the republics of the former Soviet Union were used to seeing it. After the end of World War II, the iron cross did not go out of use, but began to be used in the new German army - the Bundeswehr. The symbol has not changed in principle. It usually consists of a darkened interior and white piping.

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The same symbol is used today. / Photo: livejournal.com.

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