How to make an electrician the safest

  • Jan 12, 2022

Leaving home, I do not think about the "forgotten iron" and not turned off electrical appliances.
Although the electrician in my apartment was made with gross mistakes, which are now very difficult to fix, I am almost sure that while no one is at home, nothing bad will happen.

I just cut off almost the entire power grid every time I leave the apartment.

How to make an electrician the safest

There is a small switch on the door jamb that controls the contactor that turns off almost all the sockets and the lights. Pets have long been accustomed to the fact that when leaving the house, instead of turning off the light in the corridor, you need to turn off this switch, and turn it on when you return.

How to make an electrician the safest

Only three lines always work: the refrigerator, the computer (it is always asleep, not turned off), and the network equipment. These three lines are connected to the C10 difavtomat.

The third in the panel is the 25A contactor, which turns off everything that follows it - the main RCD and all other lines.

This contactor has two 25A contacts connected in parallel. It is officially forbidden to connect contacts in parallel to increase the switched current, but I have a special case. The fact is that this prohibition is due to the fact that one of the contacts turns on a little earlier than the other, and with a heavy load, all of it will fall on him, but in my the moment of switching on, the load cannot be more than 25A, and in general it is minimal - after all, when I leave the house, all electrical appliances are basically turned off.

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I deliberately do not connect the contactor control to the smart home system, acting on the principle - the simpler, the safer. When only a breaker controls a contactor, I know that the breaker itself cannot close the contacts under any circumstances.

The only drawback of my system is that you cannot use electrical appliances that have lost settings and clocks when the power goes out, but I don’t have any.

This system has been working for me for many years. In addition to the fact that it significantly increases the safety of electricians in the house, it turned out to be very convenient - often, leaving the house, I do not turn off the light and ventilation, because all this will turn off by itself, and when I return, it will turn on back.

© 2022, Alexey Nadyozhin

For ten years I have been writing every day about technology, discounts, places of interest and events. Read my blog on the site, v LJ, Zen, Mirtesen, Telegram.
My projects: I test LED lamps and help figure out which ones are good and which are not so good. I collect information about domestic electronic devices for personal use and share it.
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