Hybrid eggplant variety Andryusha: I talk about its features and the necessary care

  • Feb 15, 2022
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Eggplant variety Andryusha is an early ripe highly productive hybrid. It has excellent taste due to the lack of bitterness. Suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation.

Eggplant variety Andryusha
Eggplant variety Andryusha
Eggplant variety Andryusha

Description and characteristics of the variety

Andryusha's eggplants have sprawling bushes, which I form into 3 shoots in order to get the highest possible yield. The height of the bushes is 95-105 cm.

Leaf plates are quite large, up to 25 cm long. They are dark green in color, smooth on top and pubescent below. The variety blooms with large flowers, a light purple hue.

Ripe fruits have a length of about 30 cm, girth - 10 cm, average weight - 250 g. Painted in a standard eggplant dark purple color, have a smooth surface. The skin is thin, the flesh is light with a minimum number of seeds.

Taste and use

The whole period of ripening, the variety is distinguished by a bright, sweetish taste of the fruit. Used in any culinary recipes including:

  • pickling;
  • frying;
  • extinguishing;
  • baking;
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From Andryusha eggplant, I get ideal salads and caviar with a very rich taste.

I never soak the fruits of this variety in water, since it completely lacks the bitterness characteristic of other eggplants.

Eggplant variety Andryusha
Eggplant variety Andryusha

Ripening and yield

Belongs to mid-early varieties. The growing season lasts about 100-110 days, under adverse weather conditions it can last up to 120 days. I grow the Andryusha variety exclusively by seedlings and in early July I get the first fruits.

The variety is characterized by high yield and long fruiting. Growth and ripening of fruits occurs within 3.5-4 months. From healthy and strong bushes during the season I collect about 10 kg of crop from 1 m².

The hybrid variety Andryusha tolerates temperature changes well, which means it is suitable for growing in any regions of Russia. In the southern and central regions, the variety is cultivated in open ground, in the northern - in greenhouses.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Reviews of gardeners growing this hybrid indicate a large number of advantages inherent in the variety. The most obvious ones are:

  • high yields;
  • fruiting 4 months;
  • fast maturation;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • stability;
  • increased immunity to viruses;
  • large fruits;
  • accelerated growth;
  • lack of bitterness;
  • a small number of seeds.

There is no ideal for all varieties. So in Andryusha, experienced summer residents discovered shortcomings. Their number is small, and they include:

  • drought intolerance;
  • increased requirements for lighting;
  • regular feeding.
Eggplant variety Andryusha
Eggplant variety Andryusha


Regular watering with settled water is required, especially with prolonged absence of precipitation. Under each bush I pour from 1 to 3 liters of water, depending on the moisture content of the soil. Irrigation is required 2-3 times a week. The next day after watering, I loosen the soil, remove weeds, if any.

I apply the first top dressing on the 10th day after planting seedlings in open ground. I try to use organic fertilizers (chicken manure, rotted cow manure).

Every 2 weeks, in order to prevent diseases, I treat the bushes with fungicides. The number of such treatments should not exceed three.

The eggplant variety Andryusha is a hybrid belonging to a new generation. Its ease of cultivation and high yields have made it popular with experienced gardeners and beginners alike. If you have had experience growing this variety, share it with me and readers in the comments.

Read also: Causes and methods of dealing with yellowing leaves in eggplant - I share the experience of saving my plants

Another related article: Features of sowing seedlings of pepper and eggplant for an excellent harvest

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#Andryusha eggplant variety#eggplant#garden