Thyme (thyme) in the garden: what is this herb? I'll tell you about it in detail.

  • Feb 18, 2022
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Thyme grows as a low shrub. There are more than two hundred varieties in the genus, but not all of them are used by amateur gardeners.


What is this plant

Thyme belongs to the Yasnotkovy family. It began to grow at home in ancient Egypt.

Many people call thyme thyme, but they are mistaken. Thyme can only be called creeping thyme.

Thyme: perennial or annual crop

Basically, thyme is a perennial. But if the winter is cold and the temperature drops to -25 ° C, even careful warming will not be able to prevent freezing of the roots.

Origin story

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use thyme, discovering the culture in North Africa. Then the Greeks more actively studied the beneficial properties of the herbaceous plant and began to use it in cooking, perfumery, and also in medicine.

Thyme was first mentioned in their works by Dioscorides and Theophrastus. Its Greek name (themos) translates as "courage".


Description of thyme

A small shrub up to 20-35 cm high with thin stems. Roots developed, rigid. The foliage is small, rounded. Sheet plates are rigid.

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The flowers are small, numerous, look impressive. Racemes inflorescences consist of buds. The color of the petals is the most diverse - from pink to purple and lilac. You can find plants with white, dark purple or purple flowers.

In many varieties, the creeping stems are sterile. Flowers are formed only on straight and semi-raised shoots.

flowering period

The culture begins to bloom from June 10-15 and is fragrant until the end of summer. Usually flowering can be delayed for another two weeks if thyme grows in a more suitable climate. Seeds have time to ripen in 17-20 days.

When planted in spring, thyme will bloom the following year (summer). If the seedling material was transferred to the site in the autumn, flowering will have to be expected next year.

Places of growth

The plant is common in the Mediterranean and in Eurasia. Thyme also reached Greenland. 170 varieties of the existing 214 species grow in Russia. There is also a culture in Eastern Siberia, and in the Black Sea region, and even in the Far East.

Most plants prefer to grow in light, well-drained soil.

Thyme develops well in a sunny area, and does not refuse elevation.

Thyme. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Thyme. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

life span of thyme

Under natural conditions, thyme can grow in one place for 25-30 years. With proper care on the site, the plant grows for 30-40 years.

Thyme is actively cultivated by gardeners wherever natural conditions permit. Such popularity can be explained by their "universality": foliage is used in cooking, as well as in traditional medicine. The most popular among gardeners are common thyme, creeping thyme and lemon thyme.

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