Hydrangea paniculata for your garden: planting, pruning, fertilizing

  • Dec 24, 2019

Regal hydrangea during the autumn gradually loses its chic look. Inflorescence dry out, the leaves turn yellow and fall off gradually remain bare stiff shoots. It remains to sanitize and trimming bushes, to prepare him for a successful wintering. How to do it - talk in detail.

Think about the upcoming winter should be well before the onset of cold weather. Of course, summer thoughts are far from the snow and wind, but to make fertilizer for the formation of a strong immune system and protect against pests same time. Toward the end of summer watering rules significantly reduce the expense of the shoots hydrangeas begin quickly covered with a tough crust. If you have done all this - great, if not - it's time to catch up and take care of your blooming beauties. This issue, we devote a lot of text. But let's start with one of the least important activities - autumn planting.

Hydrangea paniculata. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Hydrangea paniculata. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Paniculate hydrangea planting in open ground in the fall

In September, in the open ground can be planted seedlings paniculate hydrangea. Macrophylla can not stand these tests, so do not risk it. If you live in a region with warm autumn, you can move the landing to a later date. But remember that the young seedlings should be in the ground before the first frost.

For autumn planting suitable plants with well-developed root system. It is a pledge excellent survival rate, plus a sturdy plant is not subject to attacks of pests that are actively preparing for winter. If done correctly, the following season shrub please gorgeous blooms. The only condition - it will have to hide for the winter. How to do it - read our materials. A long pass to the subtleties of planting.

Important!All work on the bush follow gloves! Even the seedling may damage the skin or release toxic substances.

Hydrangea - large shrub, consider this fact when choosing a place to land. The plant loves the sun and does not tolerate drafts. To protect it from the wind, can be positioned near the fence or wall of the building, but there should be enough room for further development. It is not necessary to plant hydrangea near trees or bushes. This will lead to a permanent competition for water, light and nutrients. And still do not know who will win. Therefore hydrangea plant separately from other occupants infield. It can become the head of the alpine slides, perfectly complement the lawn or turf. By the way, the only permissible neighborhood - with lilacs and spirea, but in the case where the bushes are planted at the same time they are developed in parallel.

To hydrangea bloomed profusely and clearly, it needs an acidic soil fertile. The plant loves moisture, so the soil should be well skip it.

Dig pit area equal volume roots. Typically, the depth and width are about half a meter. Note that to do better to pit, about a month before the start of work.

Important!If your hydrangea is growing at the wrong place, it's time to fix it and move it in the fall. Do not forget about the shelter, even if it is a copy of a strong adult.

In the prepared hole vsypte nutrient mixture consisting of sand, peat, humus and earth in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 2. Add a couple of tablespoons superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate.

Carefully pour the pit and leave until the landing. During this time, the soil will settle and will be ready to transplant.

Hortense of care, the roots spread throughout the volume of the prepared hole. Make sure the soil does not fall asleep root neck. Carefully tamp the ground to seedling was smooth, pour. If the soil is strongly subsided, more land dosypte. Zamulchiruyte surface. Material will prevent moisture from evaporating and protect plants from frost. With the advent of heat do not forget to remove the mulch to the sun's rays could warm the earth.

Important!For breeding hydrangeas convenient option - the division of the bush. The new plant is obtained quickly, next summer bush can give bloom. Note the cuttings. You can also try breeding root shoots, but be prepared - it is very complicated and time-consuming method.
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Hydrangea paniculata - pruning in the winter

When gorgeous bush is in the middle of the lawn, it is difficult to allow the idea to be cut. Therefore, gardeners often refuse treatments, wanting to achieve even greater proliferation of plants. And make a mistake. The fact that in the new season, each kidney to the main branches will escape. You can imagine what awaits thickening bush after only two years! Due to the abundance of flowering branches become smaller and faded leaves, too, lose form. In addition, the lack of sanitization - a direct path to diseases, pests and rot.

Important!Pruning is carried out before the first frost.

We deal with the bush treatment process. Gradually, it is necessary to remove the following:

  • choose a dry inflorescence;
  • cut thin shoots, which are easily broken off under the weight of snow or strong wind;
  • remove diseased shoots;
  • do not miss the broken branches.
Important!To get the shape of the trunk, pruning is carried out in the summer or spring.

As with cutting all settled, let's talk about how to care for an adult plant and prepare it for the coming winter.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Hydrangea paniculata - leaving in the open field before hibernation

During the season spend four feeding paniculate hydrangea. Autumn - time for the latter. On sale there are many drugs that are just enough to make the soil - they are useful and time-saving, which in the fall, and so little. But you can prepare yourself and fertilizer. Dissolve in water bucket desyatilitrovom potassium sulfate and superphosphate (take each tablespoon). Fertilizers are applied under a bush at the same time.

To saturate hydrangea useful substances and to provide additional heating for the roots, take the bucket manure or compost and gently prikopalis under a bush.

Please note that extra watering the bush is not needed. Excess moisture can cause negative consequences - bark cracking plant, which significantly reduces the chances of a successful winter. The only exception is for very dry weather, but the fall is a rarity.

Important!Do not forget about the treatment against pests. Spend the procedure, even if they have not been noticed - prevention still does not harm anyone. Use of liquid Bordeaux - a three-percent solution.
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Shelter there for the winter hydrangea paniculata

The main character of this article refers to the frost-resistant plants. Even a very significant disadvantages do not cause catastrophic harm to her. In most cases, hydrangea spring comes to life and then to bloom as if nothing had happened. Therefore, for a sufficiently thorough mulching of bush, it is better to choose peat. However, keep in mind that all of the above applies to adult plants, and healthy and strong.

When it comes to the seedlings, without shelter can not do. Even if a very low temperature in winter is not happening, dangerous sharp temperature gradients, no snow, strong wind, which is characteristic for the suburbs and the middle band.

Important!Mulching is usually carried out peat, but the material can replace the manure (necessarily well decomposed). From the use of dry leaves is recommended to give up - this is a direct way to the spread of mold, rot, disease and pests.

If your site has a young transplanted bushes, late autumn - it's time to think about the shelter. Doing it too early is not necessary, the plant can be rested. Therefore, wait for cold weather, even the first frost, and then get to work.

Branches bush tie with string or something like that, then carefully wrap the spunbond. Note that bends to the hydrangea is not necessary to earth. Bush set on top of a support and a reliable pull a strong film. This design will keep the heat in and protect the hive from the weather.

If the long branches of the bush, they can be gently bend down to the ground. By themselves, they will not lie down, so you need to fix them with metal staples. Once the plant is covered and placed spunbond lapnika dense layer.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Hydrangea - incredibly luxurious bush, a real decoration of any infield. With proper care is abundant flowering, and leaves a bright and saturated. Use our tips to get the dream plant.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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