Why do peppers bloom poorly and tie

  • Apr 23, 2022

Pepper can be poorly tied due to insufficient lighting. The plant requires daylight hours to last until 5 pm. The worse the lighting of the bushes, the worse the harvest will be.

Pepper. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Pepper. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Pepper. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Pepper is a thermophilic plant. He feels comfortable at a temperature of +25 degrees. It is important that there are no daily temperature fluctuations. If the heat is more than +30 degrees, then the pepper slows down flowering.

Pepper needs soil with a certain structure. Dense and acidic earth is unacceptable for him. The plant reacts sharply to the lack of nutrients in the soil. This is reflected in the intensity of the formation of ovaries.

When preparing the land in the fall, it should be fertilized with peat, compost or humus. They are brought in at 50 kg for every 10 square meters. Before flowering, fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium can be applied to the soil.

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Too much nitrogen

Nitrogen contributes to the active growth of green mass. But with its excess, the process of bud formation can be disrupted. As a result, stems and leaves grow quickly, but not flowers. It is not recommended to feed pepper with organic fertilizers, for example, mullein. First of all, he needs boron, phosphorus and potassium.

Air humidity

With an excess of air humidity, the pepper crop leaves much to be desired. This is especially true for plants that grow in greenhouses. It is important to use warm water for irrigation and to ventilate greenhouses.

Watering. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Watering. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Lack of pollination

Peppers form ovaries by pollination. If the temperature around is not suitable, then the process slows down. The lower temperature at night and in the morning slows down the formation of pollen. As a result, there are no ovaries and no harvest.

Stagnation of moisture

Pepper is a moisture-loving plant. But if there is too much moisture, the plant does not tolerate it well. Stagnation of water makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the root system. As a result, the plant begins to degrade, while the buds fall. When planting pepper on open beds, you should choose places where groundwater is deep, and there are no large bodies of water nearby.

How to make bushes bloom

If the pepper has no flowers for a long time or they do not bloom, then it is important to add light to the bushes. Phytolamps can be used.

Phytolamp. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Phytolamp. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

The soil should not be excessively moist. Watering should be reduced. A lot of nitrogen should not enter the soil. Greenhouses should be well and regularly ventilated.

Preventive measures

To prevent negative situations when pepper stops growing, you should use agrotechnical rules. It is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, as well as waterlogging. Peppers need to be pinched regularly. Up to five paired shoots should remain on the bush.

Pepper. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Pepper. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

It is also recommended to systematically weed the plants. You can make mulch under the bushes. For irrigation, only warm and settled water should be used.

If there are no flowers on the pepper bushes, then there will be no harvest either. This serious problem is fixed quite easily, but you need to do everything in time.

Read also: Pepper Tsitsak: cultivation and taste qualities of the variety

Another related article: How to properly water peppers in a greenhouse

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#pepper#pepper blossom#cultivation and care