Secrets of caring for winter garlic in spring

  • May 11, 2022
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Almost every gardener grows garlic on his plot. The benefits of the root crop are undeniable, and the scope of its use makes the culture one of the most popular in the garden. Depending on the type of plant, there are two ways to plant it. Spring garlic is planted immediately after the snow melts, and the crop is harvested at the end of summer. I, as a rule, prefer to grow winter garlic. Planted with the onset of cold weather, garlic cloves sprout rapidly from the first drop. Today we will talk about how to grow a good crop of winter garlic.

Garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Main differences

Winter garlic has several differences from spring:

  • resistant to negative temperatures;
  • has a large bulb and even cloves growing in a circle;
  • matures in the middle of the growing season.

The disadvantages of such a root crop, I attribute the short shelf life, in contrast to the spring, which lies quietly until the next harvest.

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Planting winter garlic

I plant garlic in pre-prepared beds, in fertile and nutritious soil. Landing dates must be selected taking into account the long-term weather forecast. You can not plant garlic too early, otherwise there is a risk of getting the first shoots before the onset of frost. The probability of keeping tender shoots until spring will be small and will require a lot of effort. It is necessary to sow winter garlic a couple of weeks before the onset of stable frosts, so that the slices have time to take root, but do not grow. The optimal time is the last decade of October. After planting, the bed must be covered with spruce branches, leaf litter or other organic matter.

Planting garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Planting garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

First spring chores

As soon as the snow starts to come off the bed, remove the shelter. Under the influence of melted snow and heat, the sprouts will not keep you waiting. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to ensure planting:

  • regular watering;
  • loosening and weeding;
  • timely top dressing;
  • pest control.


The first time after the snow melts, garlic does not need additional moisture. However, soon the plant will need to be watered according to the following scheme:

  • 1 time in 5 days in dry weather;
  • 1 time in 7-10 days, when the sun and rains alternate;
  • Reduce watering during cyclones.
Watering garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Watering garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©


If the spilled soil is not loosened in time, over time a dense crust forms on it and moisture evaporates faster from the soil. Carefully loosen the bed after each watering and promptly remove weeds that draw nutrients from the soil.

top dressing

Winter garlic needs regular fertilizers. In order for the plantings to quickly recover after the winter, a charge with nitrogen compounds is necessary. To do this, you can use organic matter or mineral complexes. Feed the garlic after the first shoots appear. The second fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out in May. By that time, the green mass of garlic reaches 20–30 cm. In June, I feed winter garlic with complex compounds based on potassium, phosphorus and copper. It is best to combine watering and top dressing and alternate them with foliar processing of green mass. Do not forget about organic matter, which has a beneficial effect on the plant: ash, humus, bird droppings.


If you combine foliar feeding and pest control, you can achieve a good result. For my garlic plantings, I often use a saline solution that I spray on the leaves every 2 weeks. This is an excellent disease prevention and a good tool in the fight against pests.

It is necessary to harvest winter garlic as it matures. It is better to harvest a little earlier than to dig up overripe heads. Make sure your garlic is properly cared for, harvested on time, and stored properly. In this case, the supply of useful vitamins is provided to you for a long time. What kind of garlic do you prefer to plant?

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#garlic#winter garlic#landing and care