Measures for the prevention and control of fungal diseases of roses

  • Jun 02, 2022

Good day, dear readers! Delicate and beautiful roses are frequent guests in the flower beds in our gardens. A variety of colors and varieties allows everyone to choose their favorite variety. Everyone who grows roses on their plot knows that these flowers require systematic and proper care. One of the main criteria for success is the prevention of protection against common diseases. Most often, roses suffer from diseases of a fungal nature.

Roses. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
Roses. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
Roses. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license

Below I will talk about the most common ailments, as well as how to recognize the problem in time.

powdery mildew

This disease is one of the first places in the list of the most common diseases of roses. Most often, the disease affects young plants. The main difficulty and danger of powdery mildew is that, unlike many similar diseases, the powdery mildew pathogen does not need a humid environment. The disease actively develops on dry leaves.

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In a hot dry summer, you can observe a massive defeat of your flower bed. The leaves on the bushes curl and dry out, and the plant itself is significantly weakened.

The disease significantly affects the appearance of rose bushes: the stems and leaf plates are covered with a whitish coating. The infection is highly contagious and spreads quickly to other plants.

Fighting powdery mildew is quite difficult, so it is worth taking all measures for prevention.

To protect your roses from an unpleasant ailment, you should choose well-lit areas for planting them.

As a preventive measure, I would recommend the following points:

  • Purchase varieties with high resistance to this disease.
  • The soil for planting ro should have good drainage properties.
  • Do not thicken the landings. For low-growing varieties, keep a distance of at least 30 centimeters between plants. For tall varieties, the minimum recommended spacing is 40 centimeters.
  • Apply fertilizer strictly at the recommended dosage. This is especially true for fertilizing with a high nitrogen content.
  • Perform systematic pruning and burn infested material off site.
Powdery mildew. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
Powdery mildew. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license

If preventive methods still did not help and the disease befell the plants. To combat it is worth taking the following measures:

  • If the degree of damage is small, spray the plants with a soda solution at a concentration of 1%.
  • In case of a serious lesion, it is worth resorting to the use of special preparations of the fungicidal group. You can use the popular drug "phytosporin".

rose rust

This disease ranks second in the list of diseases of roses. A fungal disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow-orange spores on the stems and the lower part of the leaf plates. The main danger is the disease for remontant varieties.

Among the preventive measures, it is worth repeating those that are recommended in the case of powdery mildew.

If prevention did not help and the disease developed, "phytosporin" helps.

rose rust
rose rust

black spot

It is possible to determine the disease in a timely manner by the appearance of round spots on the leaf plates, which first have a brown tint, and then turn black. As a result, the growth of young shoots stops, and the leaves fall off. Roses tolerate low temperatures worse.

As a preventive measure, it is worthwhile to remove fallen leaves in a timely manner and burn them outside the site. Closer to winter, the soil should be loosened to prevent fungal spores from settling in it for the winter.

It is also worth fighting the disease with the help of fungicidal preparations.

Competent and timely prevention of all these diseases will be the key to the health and attractive appearance of your roses.

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#roses#rose diseases#flowers