Why the Japanese do not drive the cars that their companies supply abroad

  • Jun 08, 2022
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Why the Japanese do not drive the cars that their companies supply abroad
Why the Japanese do not drive the cars that their companies supply abroad

Our compatriots not only know Japanese cars well, but also love them very much. For residents of the former Soviet republics, the Japanese auto industry is primarily associated with high reliability, good style and solid functionality. At the same time, it becomes a discovery for many that the Japanese themselves almost never drive the cars that their companies supply abroad. What's the matter?

Looks strange. Photo: autoreview.ru.
Looks strange. / Photo: autoreview.ru.
Looks strange. / Photo: autoreview.ru.

You can drive in Japan from the age of 18, although on average, according to statistics, it takes 5-7 years between passing on the rights and buying the first car. Almost everyone who was able to graduate from a driving school successfully passes on the right the first time. However, a course in a driving school costs 3-4 thousand US dollars. This is a lot even when taking into account local salaries. In addition, before buying a car, the Japanese will still have to find a parking space for themselves no further than 2 kilometers from their home. Most often it is rented.

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More than half of the cars are kei cars. /Photo: nippon.com.
More than half of the cars are kei cars. /Photo: nippon.com.

Operating a car in Japan is associated with many additional costs and complications. All cars in the country are divided into light (key-cars) and heavy. Outwardly, it is not always possible to distinguish a key car from an ordinary car the first time. The differences between the varieties are primarily of a technical nature. Owners of "light" cars have a number of preferences and benefits compared to drivers of conventional cars.

Why the Japanese do not drive the cars that their companies supply abroad

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The cars aren't that bad. / Photo: ruscur.ru.
The cars aren't that bad. / Photo: ruscur.ru.

The main thing is that in Japan very expensive gasoline and parking spaces. It is for this reason that most residents choose the same key cars, often very strange cars in terms of their external parameters, which at the same time can have a spacious interior, increased cargo capacity and low fuel consumption at the expense of performance engine. Actually, most kei cars are exactly the same mixture of a van and a passenger car.

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Everything is not so bad. / Photo: drive2.ru.
Everything is not so bad. / Photo: drive2.ru.

As a rule, key cars are fairly simple and similar cars, in which almost everything that could be brought was sacrificed for low price and efficiency. You can see cars of Japanese brands familiar to our people on the roads of the country, but they make up only a relatively small percentage.

In continuation of the topic, read about Japanese hospice surprised with bizarre wind pipes and a roofwhere you can walk.

Why the Japanese do not drive the cars that their companies supply abroad