How Alexander Rosenbaum received the rank of colonel without serving in the army

  • Jun 11, 2022
How Alexander Rosenbaum received the rank of colonel without serving in the army

Among the stars of the Russian stage there are many people who, on memorable days or on holidays, put on a ceremonial military uniform and even have awards, including military ones. Among those who are often seen in uniform, Alexander Rosenbaum can be distinguished, who was repeatedly captured with colonel's shoulder straps and medals on his tunic. There is just one small detail - the performer has never served in the ranks of the Soviet or Russian army.

A singer who has never served in the army has the right to wear a military uniform. Photo:
A singer who has never served in the army has the right to wear a military uniform. / Photo:
A singer who has never served in the army has the right to wear a military uniform. / Photo:

In order to find out the reason for such a curious situation, one should study the biography of Alexander Yakovlevich. He comes from a family of Soviet Jewish doctors. And the son initially planned to follow in the footsteps of his parents, which is why he entered the First Medical Institute of Leningrad, where he was born and raised, immediately after graduation. However, even then he did not disregard his hobby - music, which he began to study from the age of five, participating in creative evenings and concerts.

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Interesting fact: the surname of the performer "Rosenbaum" is translated very poetically - "rose tree".

Young performer. /Photo: karaokestar.rf
Young performer. /Photo: karaokestar.rf

After graduating from a higher educational institution, Alexander Rosenbaum became, in fact, an ordinary Soviet young doctor, and for several years worked in a Leningrad ambulance. However, over time, he decided to change his life, forever linking it with music. Moreover, he performed not only in comfortable concert halls: in the eighties of the last century, when the performer had not yet gained wide popularity, repeatedly speaking to the Soviet military during the war in Afghanistan, not being afraid to travel to military points.

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Alexander Rosenbaum with Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. /Photo:
Alexander Rosenbaum with Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. /Photo:

However, in fact, the Afghan tour was the only contact between Alexander Yakovlevich and the Soviet army. And all because in reality he was never called up for military service, as he was declared unfit for medical reasons due to poor eyesight. But at the same time, today a famous Russian performer can be regularly on holidays, for example, on the Day Victory, see in military uniform with the shoulder straps of a colonel, as well as a considerable number of medals and awards on tunic.

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It turns out that the whole thing is in the traditions of conferring military ranks in the USSR. /Photo:
It turns out that the whole thing is in the traditions of conferring military ranks in the USSR. /Photo:

The reason for such an interesting situation lies precisely in the education of Alexander Rosenbaum. Few people today will remember, but in the era of the Soviet Union, graduates of medical universities automatically received the rank of lieutenant of the army. And further promotion, most likely, took place as a recognition of the merits of the performer in the creative field. By the way, it is for these achievements that Rosenbaum has a number of awards, for example, "People's Artist of the Russian Federation." But he could receive such medals as “300 years of the Russian fleet” just for this length of service. Yes, and the title of Alexander Yakovlevich officially sounds like this - "Retired Colonel of the Medical Service (Navy)."

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