Caring for the Decembrist in November: features of feeding, watering and conditions of detention

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. These plants can be very different: the flower of my friend blooms earlier than expected, actively overgrows with buds, unlike my Decembrist. He is in no hurry to bloom, the buds grow very slowly, and only one flower is preparing to bloom. However, the flowering period does not affect the characteristics of care in November: every Decembrist needs the same procedures. Which ones will be discussed below.

Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Lighting rules

Perhaps this parameter is more important than the rest, so let's start with it. The flower under study is extremely sensitive to the level of illumination, and when the daylight hours decreases, mass blooming begins. In order for it to pass evenly, you need to put the Decembrist on a lighted windowsill and provide lighting to all parts of the plant.

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Do not move the plant pot when it is time for flowering and buds have formed. Changing the angle at which the sun's rays fall is stressful for the Decembrist, because of this, he can shed the buds.

Watering and spraying the Decembrist

Like any forest cactus, the Decembrist grows on trees in the wild and absorbs moisture with powerful leaves. At home, he does not need excess moisture in the soil, and during flowering, this can completely harm the plant. Schlumberger should be watered sparingly, only when the ground dries out by 1.5-2 cm. When water accumulates in the pan, it must be poured out to avoid root rot.

Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Decembrist prefers high humidity. In November, the furnishings of the apartment are not conducive to this: heating intensifies and dries the air in the room. An alternative to a humidifier is to spray the plant with a spray bottle every 1-2 days. Then you will create a comfortable environment for the flower.

How to make flowering more abundant?

It is possible to double the number of buds on a flower. To do this, prepare a boric acid solution:

  • add 1 g of boric acid to a small amount of water, be sure to use warm water, otherwise the substance will not dissolve. Mix liquids thoroughly;
  • add the resulting mixture to a spray bottle, then mix with 1 liter of warm water and shake;
  • spray Schlumberger.

Boric acid is a natural flowering stimulant, but it should not be used repeatedly: 1-2 times is enough for a good result. Otherwise, the substance will be addictive, and the plant will not bloom without such spraying.

Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Necessary feeding

An obligatory part of caring for the Decembrist in November is high-quality nutritional supplements. The presence of potassium and phosphorus determines the flow of the plant, they increase the duration of this period and have a beneficial effect on the number of buds.

There are several feeding options:

  • Liquid mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, sold in flower shops. They are used every 2 weeks strictly according to the instructions.
  • Banana peel is a fertilizer option and a representative of folk remedies. You can also use apples and wood ash infusion.
The care shown during the flowering period and preparation for it will noticeably affect the Decembrist and improve the flow of bud opening. Top dressing, compliance with the level of light and humidity, moderate watering - all this will help you enjoy the flowering of a beautiful plant.

Is a Decembrist growing in your house?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about zygocactus in the following article:How to breed a zygocactus Decembrist at home