What plants can be planted in the shade on the site

  • Dec 24, 2019

At each site, you can find places where the sun's rays are rare, so many plant species there is inexpedient. But there are some garden crops that can grow where there is a partial or full shade. It should take this into account when selecting plants for planting in that part of the area where there is shade.


They are not demanding to sunlight. In addition, there is almost always moist soil that has a positive effect on their growth. These plants like lettuce, mustard, sorrel and spinach delicious, will always please its freshness. On the palate, they will become even more delicate: the bitterness of their brand will not be felt.

Yet there can be planted horseradish. This undemanding plant grows in any soil. But we should also understand that then bring it quite problematic. Excellent take root in the shadow of the parsley, basil, celery and parsnip. Their growing though slowing, but their foliage is as tasty and succulent. Herb can be planted oregano, thyme and mint.

vegetable crops

Under the trees, which, though occasionally, but looks into the sun, it is necessary to try to grow broccoli, and even taken separately variety of legumes, or beets. We can not say that vegetables will be large, but the quality of their taste for sure will be pleased. Well take root there and rhubarb. Nice to grow cucumbers, corn, eggplant.

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But it is worth remembering that even vegetables and fruit will be in the shady part of the plot, the great harvest should not be expected from the plant.


If planted in partial shade any shrub, the harm from him it will not. After all, many of them grow well in full shade. Such cultures honeysuckle, Saskatoon and chokeberry committed unpretentious. Planted them safely behind the house or fence, where there is little sunlight. Excellent survives raspberries, which brings in the shadow of the large, juicy fruit. The sun gives sweet currant berries, but they are small. Therefore, many grow them in the shade to get large berries. But then they bear fruit with a little sour.

Many ornamental shrubs grow best in the shade, as well as some conifer culture. As for the portion where decoration can be put Kalina, pith and rosehips. But their fruition will be low.


Blooms profusely in the shadow of calendula. Actually it is quite undemanding plant that is from the moment of landing begins to please a riot of colors. There you can plant irises, lilies, pansies and forget-me. In general, choose flowers that prefer shade will not be difficult. We just need to see the information on the package with seeds or bulbs. There is usually always say, if they can grow in the shade.

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