Farmland small area may look visually more if you know some tricks regarding its care. Today we look to you three ways that allow you to visually increase the size of your garden.
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Method one: color
We suggest you experiment a bit to make it easier to understand the principle of visual perception. Prepare two tablecloths. One product should be pale yellow and the other blue. Cover the two tables of (their size should be the same). You may be surprised, but the furniture, which had previously looked the same, will be different. Yellow is slightly raised and extended, and blue like a shrink, it will be clear contours, so it will look smaller. From this experiment it can be concluded: the dark carpet in the garden is inappropriate, because it will look visually already. This phenomenon is called irradatsiey. You can follow this principle in the crop.
If you go back in time the Soviet Union, we can remember, on what basis were equipped mall in the parks. Dark shades focused on contours, light them eroded. Lilac different varieties are planted in pairs. At the beginning of the boulevard grew bright (white, pale pink, pale blue), placed in the center of the middle (pink, purple), and at the end adorned with a dark (burgundy, purple) varieties. If a person would get up early in the length of the boulevard, it seemed visually less. But the transition to the other side of the situation changed - it looked great.
Of course, in a small garden to decorate the mall lilac, does not work, but we looked at the essence. In the classical landscape art, this phenomenon is called aerial perspective. If we take into account its principles, it is possible to achieve a similar effect. Replace lilacs can delphiniums. Experiment possible both with light and dark shades as well as cold and warm. As for warm colors, they appear visually closer and more cold. If near the fence on one line will be planted barberry leaves with purple tint and blue spruce, it is the latter will appear more and shrubs closer.
It is worth noting that you can experiment with ornamental plants and buildings and fences. For example, if you stand at the gate and being between two red barberry, will observe a blue house, construction will appear next. If at the gate will be flaunt blue spruce, and the construction is of red brick, the distance between the two objects will appear smaller.
Method two: Perspective
We have already discussed the principles of aerial perspective. Now let's examine in more detail the linear perspective. Consider the example of its essence. Imagine a road that goes the distance. Its two sides agree on the horizon at one point. But in fact, these opposites can not be crossed. If both lines are reduced specifically, we artificially strengthen that prospect, and the track will look longer. If we stand on the end of it, it will seem shorter. The same experiment you can conduct a flower bed of a linear form.
All that has been described above, it is considered a change in planar perspective. Now let's talk about the spatial. If we look at the mall center, the trees as the distance will decrease, although in reality their height will be the same. But you can plant them in that order, that is, you need to intervene in the future, to become a track longer than visually. Experiment as the trees in the garden, so with lanterns, hedge and fence, which consists of pillars.
The same effect can be achieved by using plants with different sized leaves. You need to place the ornamental plants in the following order: with large leaves, middle and small. Thus you will achieve the increase in perspective. If the plants are planted in the reverse order, it will decrease artificially. This principle underlies the arrangement of Japanese gardens. Lane it tapers with increasing distance from the specific point. That's why they look like miniature gardens not so modest.
Method three: reflection
Surely you've ever been in a room where one wall is completely hung with mirrors. The space looks great, because the mirror surface significantly expands the space.
How to apply this effect in the garden? An alternative mirror can become a reservoir. Whether it will be reflected sky and plants growing on the shore, in any case, the garden space will be visually expand. Note that shading the pond or lake reflect more spectacular than the illuminated water.
Now that you know a few tricks that will allow you to expand the modest space visually. Study them carefully and begin to practice.
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