Smog covered Moscow. How to make an air quality monitoring station

  • Aug 19, 2022

On the morning of August 18, my monitoring station showed 12 times the usual level of PM2.5 particles in the air. The street was hazy, the air smelled of burning.

Smog covered Moscow. How to make an air quality monitoring station

The level of air pollution began to rise sharply at 7:30 am and peaked by 9:00 am. Fortunately, the smog ended as quickly as it began - by 11 a.m. everything was gone.

Monitoring stations, as I have outside my window, in Moscow now there are about a hundred, in Russia under a thousand, in the world there are tens of thousands. Thanks to the large number of stations, it is possible to see where the pollution comes from, whether it is local or global.

This is what Moscow looked like on the website at 11 am.

Everything is "green" now.

The situation can also be observed on the website "People's Monitoring" (you only need to include the data type "dustiness").

My monitoring station outside the window looks like this. In the lower right corner of the case, a tube is visible through which air is sucked in for analysis.

instagram viewer

And here is my station outside on the window frame.

A typical sealed junction box, which you can buy at any electrical supply store, contains a dust sensor, a temperature-humidity-pressure sensor, and a microcontroller.

In order to assemble the same station, you will need the following:

1. Dust sensor Nova PM SDS011 for 1359 rubles;

2. Microcomputer NodeMcu V3 (choose CH340) for 115 rubles;

3. Temperature, humidity, pressure sensor BME280 (choose 3.3V) for 272 rubles>;

4. Tube 6x8 mm (sold in Leroy, but can also be found on Aliexpress);

5. Junction box (in any electrical or household goods store) - 50 rubles;

6. USB charging with a current of at least 500 mA.

Additionally, you may need:

7. Connecting wires Dupont (choose F-F) for 123 rubles;

8. Flat USB-MicoUSB cable (choose the desired length 2 or 3 m) for 200-240 rubles.

Detailed instructions for connection, firmware, registration in the system are here.

The story of how I assembled my station here.

My instructions on how to connect the station to "People's Monitoring" here.

Public project Dyshi. Moscow: (project community in telegram).

Despite the fact that there are already quite a lot of monitoring stations, it is better to have even more of them. Having assembled your station, you will not only always know what kind of air is outside your window, but also take part in a large public project.

I already have another set of parts, it will be necessary to assemble the second station and place it in the country.

Peace for everyone!

© 2022, Alexey Nadezhin

For twelve years I have been writing about technology, discounts, interesting places and events. Read my blog site, in Learn, Zen, Mirtesen, Telegram.
My projects: I test LED lamps and help you figure out which ones are good and which are not so good. I collect information about domestic electronic devices for personal use and share it.
You can contact me in the Telegram group

#smog#monitoring#air quality