How I extend the life of a standard LED light bulb almost indefinitely without using a soldering iron or even opening it

  • Aug 30, 2022

Over the past few centuries, the best minds of mankind have been struggling to create lighting devices that can replace natural light sources - oil lamps, torches, gas lamps, candles. At one time, incandescent lamps, gas discharge tubes appeared, and finally the time has come for LEDs.

In recent years, LED light sources have replaced all others in everyday life and at work. These devices, based on the latest technology in the electronics industry, are superior to incandescent lamps and energy-saving lamps in all parameters and, most importantly, in terms of duration of use and minimum consumption electrical energy.
How I extend the life of a standard LED light bulb almost indefinitely without using a soldering iron or even opening it

Despite the fact that LED lamps significantly exceed the life of incandescent lamps, you always want them to last even longer.

The Web describes various ways to extend the life of such lamps. For this, many are advised to remove the plastic cover from the ramp. However, I think such actions are unreasonable. You can simply forget about the lamps without a shell, screwed into the chandelier, and accidentally touch them with a damp cloth during cleaning. Electric shock can lead to unpleasant consequences.
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There is a much less dangerous but more effective way to extend the life of an LED bulb. It does not involve removing the plastic bulb.

A little about why LED lamps burn out. The most common reason for their failure is their overheating and increase in the allowable current. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to have the knowledge and skills of an electronics engineer who can solder the LED connection circuit. My method is not related to these manipulations.

In order for the lamp not to overheat (which leads to breakage), it is necessary to cool it in time. All the actions that I describe in this article must be performed with a light bulb that has already expired. The fact is that an LED lamp that has failed during the warranty period can be changed in the store, and if the warranty has passed, then no longer. Therefore, we will experiment on such a product.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • 1. We take a felt-tip pen and put a few dot marks on the ceiling, stepping back from the junction with the body by 2 centimeters. A shorter distance increases the risk of damage to the contacts in the lamp, which is guaranteed to disable it.

The points marked with a felt-tip pen do not need to be applied symmetrically. Their location has no bearing on the result.

  • 2. The distance between the marks on the ceiling should not be less than two centimeters.
  • 3. Marks are also made on the lamp body with a felt-tip pen.
  • 4. We take a drill with a diameter of 5-8 millimeters, insert it into a drill or screwdriver and drill holes at the lowest speed.
As a result of drilling, we get a certain number of holes. By the way, they will not affect the appearance, because they will not be noticeable in the chandelier.

Drilling holes is associated with the appearance of debris, so the workplace must be prepared in advance, put an oilcloth or some kind of newspaper so that the chips can be easily brushed off or removed by wrapping into paper.

Holes are needed so that air constantly circulates inside the lamp, warm air goes up, and cold air enters from below. This circuit can eliminate one of the main causes of lamp failure and therefore extend the life of the product.

Important!!! A light bulb with holes cannot be used in places with high humidity (showers, saunas, baths).

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