6 rules on how to cook the broth so that it is not only tasty, but also transparent

  • Sep 04, 2022
6 rules on how to cook the broth so that it is not only tasty, but also transparent

Properly prepared broth is the basis of any delicious first course. If you do not know the nuances and features of its creation, it is unlikely that you will be able to please yourself and your family with a culinary masterpiece. Novate.ru tells you what rules you need to follow so that the broth is always transparent and saturated.

What is the difference between broth and broth?

In some recipes, you can find a reference to a decoction, on the basis of which soup or borscht is prepared. It turns out that they are based on vegetables or mushrooms, while the broths are cooked from meat, fish or poultry, which makes them thicker and richer. Regardless of what you cook, you must follow the same technology. Read more about it below.

Rule 1: Boil in cold water

Products should be placed in cold water, not boiling water. / Photo: ixbt.com
Products should be placed in cold water, not boiling water. / Photo: ixbt.com

Products that will form the basis of a decoction or broth should always be placed in cold water, and not in boiling water. This is necessary so that all the vitamins and nutrients contained in vegetables, meat or fish have time to pass into the liquid. On average, there should be three to four times more water than the main product. That is, if for the broth you take a piece of pork weighing 500 grams, then there should be one and a half to two liters of liquid.

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If your kitchen utensils don't have a large pot, boil stock stock. In this case, it will be necessary to reduce the proportion to 1.5-2.5 parts of water in relation to the main product. You can dilute the broth directly in the process of cooking the soup. For example, for one kilogram of chicken, you will need to take one and a half liters of water. When the broth is ready, there will most likely be 1.2 liters of liquid left. To make a delicious soup, you will need to add the same amount of water.

Rule 2: Add herbs and vegetables

You can add onion and parsley root. / Photo: activefisher.net
You can add onion and parsley root. / Photo: activefisher.net

In broth, one of the most important parameters is aroma. Therefore, it is necessary to add vegetables to it, as well as herbs, spices and seasonings. But you can’t pour everything into the pan - the “flavors” used should not interrupt the main taste. For example, fish broth needs a minimal amount of spices, as it has a light taste that is very difficult to score. But in meat, you can add more herbs, because it is difficult to kill.

As for vegetables, root vegetables sound best in the broth. It can be onions, carrots, celery root or parsley - they make the broth tastier and cleaner. Do not cut foods too finely: onions - into two or three parts, carrots - into two or four, depending on the size. Herbs are suitable both fresh and dry. In the first case, they should be tied with a thread and lowered into the pan until they give off taste and aroma, and in the second, they should be put in a gauze bag, so that later it would be easier to get them out of the broth.

On a note: There is a universal combination of herbs that perfectly set off the taste of the broth. These are parsley, thyme and bay leaf. Dry herbs should be added to the pot at the beginning of cooking, but fresh herbs can be put 15-20 minutes before the end of the cooking process.

Rule 3: Salt in parts

The broth must be salted at the beginning and at the end. / Photo: 1000.menu
The broth must be salted at the beginning and at the end. / Photo: 1000.menu

Many housewives are used to putting all the salt in the broth immediately after it boils, but this approach is not entirely correct. In order not to miscalculate with the amount of spice, salt in parts. Chefs advise adding a couple of pinches of salt at the very beginning to help the extractives pass into the water, and bringing it to taste at the end. This sequence allows you to kill two birds with one stone: firstly, broth-blanks are always stored in the refrigerator without salt or with a minimum amount. Secondly, during the cooking process, the liquid will become less, and the concentration of salt that you added at the beginning will increase. Therefore, the broth will definitely not turn out oversalted.

Rule 4: Do not drain the first broth

Do not drain the first broth if you are not planning a diet soup. / Photo: krasunia.ru
Do not drain the first broth if you are not planning a diet soup. / Photo: krasunia.ru

You can often see advice on the Internet that the product should be brought to a boil, boiled for five minutes, and then drained. It is believed that in this way you will cleanse it of harmful substances. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. Perhaps some cooks are used to doing this, but you should not repeat after them if you do not see the need for it. Usually, such a recipe underlies the preparation of light dietary dishes. The broth is called the second or third: after boiling, the main product (meat, poultry or fish) is taken out of the pan and washed, and the liquid is drained. After that, everything starts all over again - the product is poured with cold water, they wait until it boils, and then the foam is removed. For the third broth, these steps must be repeated twice.

Rule 5: Skim off foam with a spoon

Skimming the foam with a slotted spoon is pointless
Skimming the foam with a slotted spoon is pointless

After the liquid boils, foam forms on top, which must be removed so that the broth becomes transparent. Our mothers and grandmothers usually used a slotted spoon for these purposes, but there is little sense from it - little can be caught with holes. But a spoon or a ladle will fit perfectly - in a few passes you will collect all the foam. Please note that at the time of boiling, you should not move away from the stove, otherwise there is a risk that the foam will settle on the bottom and walls of the pan. Therefore, as soon as you hear that the water is bubbling, reduce the heat and proceed to the procedure for cleansing the broth. After that, remove the lid and leave the liquid to simmer over low heat - it should gurgle. In the process of cooking, do not forget to remove excess fat, which forms a film on the surface.


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Rule 6: Strain the broth

Strain the broth to keep it clear. / Photo: put-sily.ru
Strain the broth to keep it clear. / Photo: put-sily.ru

If you want the broth to turn out light, after cooking it must be filtered. We will consider that this is the last step on the path of transparency. For this purpose, you should not use a colander, but gauze or a damp cloth, otherwise there is a risk that excess fat and escaping flakes will remain in the broth.

If even after this procedure the liquid has not acquired the desired transparency, resort to the clarification technique. The easiest and most affordable way to do this will be egg whites. In terms of proportions, everything is easy and understandable: one protein per one and a half liters of broth. Whisk the eggs well until foamy and at least double in size. When the broth has cooled to a temperature of 60 degrees, add the proteins to it and put on fire to bring to a boil. Boil the liquid for three to five minutes, then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

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Bonus: Pork Broth Features

Pork broth is rich in taste and rich. / Photo: recept-borscha.ru
Pork broth is rich in taste and rich. / Photo: recept-borscha.ru

A broth that is ideal in taste, aroma, consistency and level of transparency will only come about if you use bones, a small amount of meat and, most importantly, a minimum of fat. Extractive substances, which are part of the bones, will give the broth a rich taste and aroma. But if you use only meat, then the taste will turn out to be too weak.

For pork broth, it is better to choose lean parts on the bone, peeled from the skin. For example, an excellent broth is obtained from the shoulder blade, the front and back knuckles, and the costal part. You can also use any bones with leftover meat. Smoked pork belly or smoked ribs will add piquancy to the broth: they can be used both as an independent ingredient and as an additive.

One kilogram of bones will need to be put in a saucepan, add three liters of water and put on the stove for two hours. Depending on the bones, it may take a little longer. Please note that pork-based broth always turns out slightly cloudy, but this is the peculiarity of meat.

This broth makes a great base for a delicious soup. By the way, here
9 tips on how to cook soup without a recipe so that your husband appreciates culinary talents