We grow big and tasty peppers

  • Dec 24, 2019

Make it very easy, can anyone enough to pay some attention to cultures, by 2-3 times in seven days. But it happens that someone does not work.

The size depends on the belonging to a certain grade. Gift Moldova Belozorka, Korenovskiy, California miracle - continuously fruiting varieties that are resistant to the care of careless. Very often, they are more productive than "harmful" hybrids.

Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

The thickest wall in Dutch Jupiter, Viking and merchants. But remember that the most "well-fed" peppers wall thickness of not more than one centimeter. Our advice: do not chase the varieties with thick walls, and purchase hybrids with large fruits.

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Formation does not need all

Many gardeners say that peppers should be formed: to remove the flowers and cut shoots. In the open ground such "bad" methods will not bring much good. Though you can achieve the culture of large and beautiful fruit, but if not inspected, the entire crop will perepolovinen.

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Peppers - plants quite capricious, so if the ground retain moisture or blow dry wind (at Teplicka this does not happen), then flowers and ovaries fall off themselves, and the more forks, the more and peppers - the flowers are formed at peppers exclusively forks.

But the first flower still remove that growth Bush did not stay. If you grow peppers from his seed, save the first flower - the first fruit pepper seeds of the best (from the seeds of hybrids do not take - high yield can not wait).

Seedlings of pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Seedlings of pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Shoots remove carefully. Each fork to break out only the most frail, keep at least 2 escape.

There are many high-yielding varieties that each fork may form two or three florets. They are also advised to clean. But you can save (reinsured loss from the ovary), as if once in seven days bushes to "feed" and responsible for irrigation, the size of the peppers that closely, will not suffer.

Most often watered

Can you talk a lot, some care is needed pepper, how to implement them additional forage. Every gardener has its own "secret" about how to care for crops, and very often it is contrary to the recommendations of a neighbor. However, no differences in yield will not be, if the plant is watered thoroughly.

Suitable for watering peppers at first glance may seem completely inappropriate. Perhaps in this way it is not really recommended to water in the north, where the moisture is abundant, and the heat is not enough. In hot regions sypte under culture nitrate and at least twice per week very carefully spill landing.

Watering pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Watering pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
The main rule - to carry out frequent watering, but little by little (weak roots peppers) here is not a ride. If you are going to fill in culture in two or three approaches, the earth does not dry up (respectively, from the ovary flowers fall off), even worse, if the soil begins to crack - roots tear, peppers strike apical rot.

Stick to the basic recommendations: in the spring nitrate, then the complex fertilizer. If cultures develop bad, weak, it urgently "feed" of ammonium nitrate at the rate of ten grams per ten gallons of water. If you wish to collect delicious harvest, for seven or eight days before the gathering, Feed the plants potassium sulfate (fifteen grams per ten liters) and super phosphate (twenty to thirty grams per ten liters).

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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