KV-2: why the formidable Soviet machine was so big tower

  • Dec 24, 2019

In the Soviet Union during the Second World War was bet it on medium tanks. However, at the beginning of the war we were still in service, and effectively used heavy machinery. One of these was the famous tank KV-2, which was easily distinguished from its predecessor KV-1 and all other cars of the Soviet Union in a very characteristic tower.

A large tower was not just. / Photo: yandex.by.
A large tower was not just. / Photo: yandex.by.

Tank "KV-2 'positioned in the Red Army as a heavy assault tank. Produced such terrible machine from 1939 to 1943. Named in honor of the arms Civil War hero, politician and military Klim Voroshilov. Baptism of fire took place in a tank during the Finnish War, where it was used including breakthrough positions on the Mannerheim Line fortifications. Thanks to the reliability (at the time) Booking tank perfectly proved popular. In this case, a characteristic element of the KV-2 was its huge tower, which was for the machine, in fact, the business card.

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A formidable fighting machine. / Photo: youtube.com.
A formidable fighting machine. / Photo: youtube.com.

Interesting fact: KV-2 was originally called "HF with a big tower."

Interestingly, according to the classification of armored vehicles from the Second World War, the KV-2 was considered a heavy tank. At the same time this car today is likely to be attributed to the self-propelled artillery. This is because an instrument comparable in power had only ACS-152 and ISU-152. Most other calibers ACS equips more modestly from 76 to 122 mm, while the KV-2 had a gun caliber of 152 mm!

All because of guns. / Photo: modernweapon.ru.
All because of guns. / Photo: modernweapon.ru.

Why is it that the HF-2 is the big tower? Actually, the answer to this question lies in the used machine guns. The fact is that the KV-1 used a 76-mm cannon. A significant increase in the caliber has meant that the space for weapons in the old tower just was not enough. Moreover, it became acutely not enough space for stacking ammunition. All this has forced designers to equip the "two" extremely uncharacteristic tower for tank development.

You need a lot of space. / Photo: stalin-line.by.
You need a lot of space. / Photo: stalin-line.by.

Generally turret of the tank should be as low as possible in order to improve the quality of camouflage combat vehicle, and most importantly - its survival. As a result, the shells hit the tower KV-2 were commonplace in a combat situation. The benefit of a tank used almost the thickest armor at the start of World War II, so that the "pick open" KV-2 in the first phase of military action was very difficult.

Interesting fact: Tank height was about 3 meters. This made it virtually impossible to effectively disguise the machine and its digging in positions.

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