As a "fight" with currants pests

  • Dec 24, 2019

If pieces of black and red reds Smorodinka you notice swelling, you probably attacked the culture of leaf gall aphid. It is dangerous if she did not resist, it is possible to lose the harvest and crops can even die.

Pests on currants
Pests on currants

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Until the mid-year period aphids can "eat" the juice of leaves, and then hop on the grass that grows near. In the autumn the females gallic aphids return to currants again to go lay eggs. Destroy aphids is not easy, but really.

To "fight" with it, apply a baking soda solution, preparing this way: Table 3. Dissolve baking soda in 10 liters of some water, then spray the culture. When you handle the culture, try well to wet the bottom of the foliage.

In the spring of next year to be processed culture broth of a camomile, then soap and water (three hundred grams diluted in 10 liters of some water).

To Smorodinka not sick, to select young crop lit areas, protected from the wind. When the culture of buy, examine it well.

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Treat the culture broths and infusions two or three times throughout the season. First complete the processing before flowering, and then - after, and the last time - before you begin leaf. crop processing must be carried out in the evening or during the day when overcast.

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