Universal additional forage for tomatoes: all just ...

  • Dec 24, 2019

To quickly ripened tomatoes and superbly bear fruit, fertilize them. Share with you ways additional forage tomatoes, thanks to which you get excellent harvest.

Fertilizing of tomatoes in a greenhouse
Fertilizing of tomatoes in a greenhouse

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Recipes additional forage tomatoes in open soil:

  • Drip in a bucket of water four drops of iodine and carries out watering tomatoes once every seven days, spending on culture two liters of water. This "power" will be large and tomatoes to ripen early.
  • Fill two hundred liter barrel by a third nettle leaves and dandelions, manure (one bucket), and add water to the brim. Cover with foil for ten days. Remove the contents of which surfaced, add "humate plus 7" and infusion dilute with water (1:10). Per kW. meter ridge tomato should take three to four liters of fertilizer. This tool will help the tomatoes to become stronger and wonderfully fertile.
  • Mix ten liters of water with twenty drops of iodine, a liter of serum and process tomatoes. Such additional forage will help the fruit to mature faster, and even destroy harmful microbes.
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