8 species of Felicia's for your garden: Description and subtleties of cultivation

  • Dec 24, 2019

For this kind of South African perennial herbaceous plants, dwarf shrubs and heat-loving annuals characterized by small blue romashkovidnye inflorescences. Perennials and shrubs, except for Felicia petiolate (Felicia petiolata), not winter-hardy, so they are mainly grown in greenhouses or conservatories, exposing the summer in the garden. Plants develop best in a sunny spot.

Felicia (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Felicia (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)

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Recommended species and varieties

F. amelloides (syn. F. capensis, F. coelestis) (F. amellusovidnaya, Blue Daisy)

This evergreen shrub summer and early autumn forming a light-blue inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter with a yellow middle. The plant blooms profusely in the first year. The leaves are bright green, oval, beschereshkovye. The height and diameter of plants -30h30 cm.

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Evergreen shrub (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Evergreen shrub (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)

Read's Blu and Read's White

Grades are respectively blue and white inflorescences to 5 cm in diameter.

Blue inflorescences (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)
Blue inflorescences (Photo used under the standard license © ofazende.ru)

Santa Anita Variegated

The variety has leaves with white pattern.

Leaves with white pattern
Leaves with white pattern

Atoena (syn. F. pappei) (F. lovely)

This forms a herbaceous perennial blue inflorescence up to 4 cm in diameter with a yellow eye and elliptical grayish-green leaves pubescent. It blooms from late May in the greenhouse or from July until autumn in open ground. The height and diameter of plants -50h40 cm.

herbaceous perennial
herbaceous perennial

Bergeriana (F. Berger)

Annual shoots from creeping into carpet form, a mid-summer to mid-Autumn forms bright blue inflorescence 3 cm in diameter with a yellow eye. Leaves pubescent, lanceolate, up to 4 cm in length. The height and diameter of plants -15h15 cm.

Annual with creeping stems
Annual with creeping stems


Monochromatic blue inflorescences are formed in this low Annual summer on stems 20 cm high. The height and diameter of the plant - 25x25 cm.

Monochromatic blue inflorescences
Monochromatic blue inflorescences

F. natalensis

Grown in hanging baskets or containers. Inflorescence small, pink, 2 cm in diameter, are formed from the end of the spring to midsummer. Lanceolate leaves, about 2.5 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant 0,8h1h 2 m.

small florets
small florets

F. rosulata (syn. F. natalensis) (F. rosette)

Herbaceous perennial with hairy leaves. Inflorescence of blue, 4 cm wide, appear in early summer. The height and diameter of plants -25h25 cm.

Herbaceous perennial with hairy leaves
Herbaceous perennial with hairy leaves


The plants are placed in a sunny, sheltered from cold winds place when the threat of frost has passed.

To prolong flowering remove the faded blossoms in summer. After flowering shrubs can be cut by a third to stimulate the re-bloom in late summer.

In the autumn move perennials and shrubs in a cold greenhouse or a dry well sunlit conservatory.


At the beginning of spring sowing seeds to seedlings in the greenhouse propagated F. amelloides and F. bergeriana. Semilignified cuttings in late summer propagated F. amelloides and F. petiolata. Herbaceous perennials are divided in early spring.

Pests and diseases

It may be affected with powdery mildew.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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