Harvesting of the juice at home

  • Dec 24, 2019

Useful drink in the form of juices like both adults and children. Unfortunately, store drinks do not always contain in its composition only wholesome ingredients - most of them supplemented with harmful preservatives and dyes. In the summer, this problem is easily solved - you can squeeze out the juices of seasonal fruits and vegetables. In the winter to prepare them out of nothing, so the perfect solution would be harvesting juice at home. We are ready to share with you the recipes of popular vitamin nectar.

Useful drink in the form of juices like both adults and children © ofazende.ru
Useful drink in the form of juices like both adults and children © ofazende.ru

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Secrets correct workpiece various juices

Compared with Morsi and compotes, which can also be canned, juice concentrate is considered. To obtain it using a juicer, food processor or blender. Take to drink fresh and ripe fruit. Do not use overripe specimens, as well as those on which there are signs of rotting and worm holes.

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Once you get over the harvest, wash the fruit under running water and clean them from seeds and stalks. Before proceeding to the workpiece drinks, do the cleaning in the kitchen. It is undesirable that kept her strong-smelling foods such as fish, pickled cabbage and other. The thing is that the drink can absorb odors. Metal dishes are not suitable for preservation, opt for this enamel or glass.

Cooking homemade juice can be a variety of ways:

  • Hot fill. Suitable for drinking from the sour fruit and berries. Squeeze the juice, bring it to a boil and remove from heat for 2-3 minutes. Then pour the liquid on the banks roll up and flip them on the cover.
  • Pasteurization. Put the container in a pan or into a bucket filled with water (temperature - maximum 85 ° C). The duration of the pasteurization depends on how much in the prepared container.
  • Sterilization. This method is similar to the previous, but the banks have to keep in a pot of boiling water.
Important!At the bottom of the container, wherein the pasteurization is carried out, it is necessary to lay the towel to banks are not cracked.

Recipes apple juice

To prepare homemade vitamin drink, take late varieties of apples. Ideal for a drink Antonivka or Palm. Nectar can not sweeten - it will be stored at the expense of fine tannins that are present in apples.

To prepare homemade vitamin drink, take late varieties of apples © ofazende.ru
To prepare homemade vitamin drink, take late varieties of apples © ofazende.ru

If you want to get a sweet juice, to drink 0.5 liters need to add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Nectar from apples can be prepared according to different recipes. To obtain a clear beverage without pulp proceed as follows:

  • Selected fruit wash, peel and divide into several parts.
  • Squeeze the juice from them, using a meat grinder, juicer or food processor.
  • Filter the fluid through a piece of gauze or cotton.
  • Pour into the pan, put on fire, heat to 85 ° C. Do not bring to a boil.
  • Pour into prepared jars and start the sterilization. If you are using a 0.5 liter vessel volume the processing time will amount to 12-15 minutes, 1 liter - 12-15 minutes, a 2-liter - 2o minutes, 3-liter - 25-30 minutes.

Enjoy drinks with pulp? You can easily cook them in the kitchen:

  • Go through the apples, wash them and cut into 4-6 pieces.
  • Squeeze of raw juice using kitchen appliances.
  • Pour the liquid into a pan and bring to boil.
  • Pour on the banks roll up them and do not turn.
Council. To prepare the juice is possible to simultaneously use several kinds of fruit.

Harvesting of healthy juices from the tomato, carrots

Especially tasty drink is obtained from tomatoes. it can be made at home as follows:

  • Collect juicy specimens, wash, cut into pieces.
  • Put them in a pot, pour a little water, put the container on the stove.
  • Bring to the boil weight, simmer for about 15 minutes.
  • Remove liquid from the heat, let it cool down.
  • Peretrite tomato mass through a sieve.
  • Add the salt and sugar (0.5 v. l. to 1 liter).
  • Boil again and simmer for about 15 minutes. Pour into banks and roll them.
Harvesting of healthy juices from the tomato © ofazende.ru
Harvesting of healthy juices from the tomato © ofazende.ru

One of the most useful vegetable juice is considered to be a carrot. To prepare it for winter as follows:

  • Wash the carrots, remember to remove the rind.
  • Cut the roots into pieces, pass through the press or juicer. Suitable for extruding a food processor.
  • Allow the liquid to stand for 30 minutes to 85 ° C.
  • Fill jars liquid. Sterilize by the same principle as the apple drink.
Council. To carrot juice was more delicious, it is possible to add sugar, citric acid, orange zest.

drink recipe from the pumpkin

Pumpkin juice - drink, of which consists of a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Prepare it as follows:

  • Peel the pumpkin and clean it. Press the juice out of it.
  • Add the sugar liquid.
  • Bring to the boil and cook for about 5 minutes.
  • Pour on the banks roll up them.

If your order does not have a juicer, you can chop the pumpkin through a grater or cut it into small cubes. Put the pumpkin in a saucepan, cover with water. Boil, cool and pass through a sieve.

Pumpkin juice - drink, of which consists of a large number of vitamins and minerals © ofazende.ru
Pumpkin juice - drink, of which consists of a large number of vitamins and minerals © ofazende.ru
Council. After harvesting the concentrate is completed, do not carry cans in the pantry - they let stand for 10 days at room temperature. Try that they were not under direct sunlight. Make sure that they do not form a mold, not bulging lids. If they are OK, send them in storage in a cool place.

Homemade juices - a useful drink, which allow compensate for the lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter period. Learn all the recipes and start cooking nectars in his kitchen.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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