Unusual flower for home without problems: in love with him in 2018!

  • Dec 24, 2019

Unusual flower for home without problems: in love with him in 2018

Unusual flower with such a strange name (Strepokarpus) is not common on our windows. Although strepsy (abbreviated their name) do not cause much trouble and please beautiful leaves, lush flowering and bright colors! What are these plants?

Unusual flower for home without problems
Unusual flower for home without problems

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A small excursion into history

Streptokarpusy - all known close relative violets (from Gesneriaceae family). In Greek, streptokarpusy - "twisted fruit" in the shape similar to a spiral twisted box. Africa and Asia - places where were born one hundred and thirty species of this genus. In the first half of the XIX century strepsy began to grow in the indoor environment.

Long (thirty centimeters) wrinkled leaves culture constitutes a small outlet with a short stem. These flowers are very different in shape and color, grow at high (up to twenty-five centimeters) peduncles.
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What is so good streptokarpusy?

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When you first acquire the plant, it may seem that the bloom it just can not. It is difficult to pronounce the name also gives the impression that the plant is capricious and demanding. We want to surprise you: it is actually not the case. This culture is able to bloom profusely, turning into a gorgeous powerful bush. Pros strepsa:

  • Relatively undemanding. In that case, if you are not promptly poured the culture or treated contrary to watering with fanaticism, it will not disappear immediately, as, for example, Saintpaulia.
  • Blossoms in natural and artificial light, and on the window, and in the depths of space.
  • Can bloom for about six months.
  • The flower is very beautiful in appearance, even at rest.
  • Propagation is easy.
Due to such advantages streptokarpusy You definitely want to settle on your windowsill this "pet".

Briefly resignation

This is a separate topic for discussion, but look at some important points strepsa cultivation.

The plant requires a high humidity (at least sixty percent). Otherwise, the ends of leaves begin to dry and curl. In that case, if the house is air dry, put some capacity bowl with water. Once every few weeks, start a warm shower to clean dust from the leaves.

Strepsy hard to tolerate cold and heat. When the plant blooms, the most suitable temperature will be twenty - twenty-five degrees in the winter - sixteen to eighteen degrees. Culture does not like drafts. When you air the room, do not leave a container under the window in the winter. Move it temporarily to the back of the room.

For watering most suitable rainwater and the supernatant passed or filtration water (without harmful impurities). The soil should not dry out or turn sour.

Do not get carried away dressings. Use fertilizer once in thirty days (suitable Kemira-Lux). Dosage will let two times less than recommended in the instructions.

Here we have listed the most important moments of streptokarpusy for care. Take care of your pets, this is the most important thing! They will definitely delight you with beautiful exotic flowering!

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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