How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold

  • Dec 24, 2019

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How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold
How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold

It's nice when a house shines with purity and truth? There is only in the flat places that maintain in perfect condition - a science. It is ironic that these "problem areas" as time is designed for cleanliness. Have you ever noticed how quickly the shower head appears plaque, if not traces of mold? To quickly deal with this muck, there is a simple but effective way.

How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold
How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold

If you take a closer look closely to that helps you keep your body clean and can wince. Unfortunately, the raid by water and mold - often, though not invited guests in any bathroom. And their number one goal are shower curtains and shower itself. So much cleaning at least once or twice a week is a must. But if in the long adventure with a brush at the ready is not enough time, there is a way "for the lazy". And very effective. Obsessed with cleanliness bloggers recommend!

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How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold
How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold

To effectively clean the surface of the soul from the plaque and traces of mold, you need
1. 1/3 cup baking soda;
2. 1 cup vinegar;
3. Tight cellophane or plastic bag;
4. Elastic

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1. Carefully, over a sink right in the package, pour baking soda and gently pour in the vinegar. Add vinegar very slowly, because the mixture may begin to actively sizzle and bubble.
2. A bag placed around the shower head and tightly tie a rubber band.
3. Leave the shower "soak" in the solution for 2-3 hours. Of course, not planning at this time no bath procedures.
4. After the designated time, carefully remove a bag and wipe the shower head with a dry soft cloth or sponge.

How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold
How to quickly and easily clean the shower from the plaque and mold

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