Thuja turned yellow after the winter - what to do, how to help plant

  • Dec 24, 2019

It would seem that with the advent of springtime, all plants must actively go to the growth and delight the eye with its greenery. This also applies to decorative trees in the form of arborvitae. However, there are cases when the needles begin to turn yellow and die. What might cause such changes and how to save the withering plant? The causes are many. Let's look at them in more detail.

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Thuja yellowing of natural causes

In some cases, Thuja changes its color from natural causes. If the needles started to lose its brightness, it is possible that the tree is one of those varieties for which a golden, red or bronze color is considered the norm. Such species include: Golden Globe (Golden Globe), Sunkist (Sunkist), Miriam (Mirjam), YELLOW Ribbon (Yellow Ribbon). Each of them has a bright shade of pine needles, which sets them apart from traditional varieties in gray-green tones.

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Factors that may cause yellowing arborvitae could be considered improper preparation plant for the winter period. If needles darkens and becomes brown color, it is said that the plant is thus reacting to the temperature drop.

In winter you can watch the golden-bronze color of the needles in the western arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) and folded arborvitae (Thuja plicata). In other varieties of needles at this time a little turn brown or bronzoveyut. In this case we are talking about varieties of Brabant, Columna and Holstrup. The exception is the variety Smaragd - wood does not change its color all year round.

When spring comes and the sap flow is activated, plants that are prone to yellowing, regain their rich green color. Yellowing of the arborvitae in old age - a natural phenomenon. Usually aged needles hidden in the middle of the crown and begin to turn yellow. The loss of chlorophyll causes their desiccation and withering away. In this case, you should not worry, because soon they will be replaced by young needles a bright green color. Wood continued to please the eye, you can spend it cleaning of loose branches.

Thuja yellowing due to incorrect landing

With natural causes yellowing of arborvitae, we figured out. Sometimes a change of needles color can indicate more serious problems. If you notice that the extinction occupies a vast area, you must make an attempt to save the tree.

Violation of the rules of landing - one of the most frequent causes of changes in the color of pine needles and its shedding. In advanced cases the plant may die. Yellowing needles may be caused by different factors:

  • Inappropriate type of soil. Tuya does not tolerate sandy soil as the water and valuable substances, it needs absorbed by the lower layers. Clay soil is not well suited to the plant, as it differs dense structure and it has a little oxygen, which may negatively affect the development of the root system. If you plant a tree in the peat soil, the roots can begin to get wet and rot. The ideal solution would be loose, drained, fertile land (for example, a mixture of sod peat and sand).
  • Improper planting depth. During the planting of the tree trunk is unacceptable to bury it in great depth or to strip the place of transition in the stalk of the plant roots. If you ignore these recommendations, it is possible the development of stem rot. As a result, the tree begins to wither and die slowly.
  • Thickening landings. Tuya does not tolerate close proximity to other plants. Where its branches are in contact with the "neighbors", the deformation and the needles are beginning to turn yellow and fall off. To prevent this, you need to keep your distance (at least 1 m) between them.
  • Location on the draft. Purge the place for this ephedra - a taboo. If you do not consider this rule, the plant will get sick and die shortly.
  • Shallow ground water. If arborvitae planted in a place where ground water reservoirs are very close, it will lead to root rot, which is and will signal the yellowing and withering branches.
If you make a landing at one of the above errors, hurry to find a new location for the tree where it will be good to grow and develop.

Thuja yellowing due care illiterate

If you do not provide myc proper care, it can also begin to turn yellow. Primarily, this may be due to failure to comply with watering regime. We have already mentioned that the stagnation of water near the roots carries harm to the tree. The same applies to the lack of moisture. Conifer sapling to feel good, you need to keep an eye on the weather and check to see if it needs watering. Usually this procedure is carried out one time in 7 days (in the morning and evening). On average, it needs 1-2 buckets of water, not more.

Yellowing of the wood in the spring may indicate that in the autumn and spring is in need in the water. And have not received it in the proper amount, the plant remains in the winter without the necessary preparation, so with the advent of warm days he was not able to quickly go to the growth.

Often Thuja yellowing after winter and shrinks the pores due to burns spring.

This phenomenon is easy to prevent - it is not necessary to choose shade-species coniferous places in the open sun. For a period of cold weather, until disappearance of the snow cover, the young trees need to provide protection. In a shelter suitable nonwoven material.

If you still have not managed to save a tree, and it received a burn to ease his condition may be abundant watering and shelter from the sun.

Violation of the root system can be caused by prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures and lack of snow cover. It also entails a yellowing of arborvitae. In order to prevent such a phenomenon in the fall of the soil around the tree sections must be covered with a layer of mulch.

Sometimes you can see a few cases of yellowing stalks. This change in color indicates iron deficiency in the soil. Solve the problem by making complex fertilizers in which this element is present. If the soil has a lack of phosphorus, Thuja can change its color to reddish-purple. The plant can change color if it is planted in an area with bad ecology. Regular bowel movement pet is also able to influence the violation of color.

Thuja yellowing due to disease or pests

Coniferous tree, as well as all kinds of plants, is subject to the invasion of pests. Various diseases also not uncommon for him. If the tree turns yellow, it is possible that these factors provoked the violation of color. To this end, it should be carefully examined. One of the most frequent diseases arborvitae Schutte may be mentioned. This disease of fungal origin, usually occurs in young trees after thawing of snow. Its features include the coating of wood gray-black pautinistym bloom, brown needles. Soon there is their extinction.

Fungal infections often affect the top timber and needles, so they can change their usual shade to yellow and gray. The most common among them - this is the rust of plants, blight, late blight. In general, these diseases are found in plants, which were planted on loamy soils with excess moisture.

After a while there is a merger of small lesions, and the branch completely changes color. If the needles start to turn yellow and wither away due to a fungal infection, fungal reproduction process can be observed on the tree with the help of the dispute. Then the dried and cut threads needed to process the sections of a 5% solution of copper sulfate. Exclude the development of fungal diseases can be by spraying different parts of the tree and the soil around them. As a prophylactic agent with the best hand proved the following means:

  • 1% -s Bordeaux mixture;
  • fitosporin;
  • fungicides ( "Speed", "strobe", "Topaz", etc.).

As for insects, which are harmful to plants, it is most often attacked arborvitae aphids, Hermes, mealybugs, scale insects. Often shoots turn brown due to the activity of weevils, grubs agromyzidae, leaf and so on.

Is there a chance to save the stricken tree? If you can find time to pests, thuja can be cured. To do this, cut the damaged parts and to process the correctly chosen insecticide.

By itself, arborvitae is unpretentious character. This is a great tree is ideal for landscaping local area. That it did not cease to rejoice in its beauty, it is necessary for him to find the most suitable place and provide him with adequate care.

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