How to root the stalk at 90-99%: Simple and reliable advice

  • Dec 24, 2019

Good afternoon! Today we consider the problem of rooting. Tips come in handy in the expansion both domestic and horticultural crops. Perhaps you long ago dreamed of anything propagate acquired cuttings, but that is not grown together and the roots of the long-awaited did not wait. This article will be useful to you, study it completely!

The successful rooting of cuttings. Photo for the article are taken from the internet
The successful rooting of cuttings. Photo for the article are taken from the internet

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As rooting cuttings correctly

Firstly, place the stalks into water. This is the standard method, though some put it right into the ground. However, in the first case, we can control the process, it is important. Placing the cutting into a container, we can observe whether the long-awaited root system develops, or the plant rots.

Useful tips:

  • Pay attention to the dishes. Where you will play the role of the size of the cuttings (for example, the leaves of violets to take root in a small vial). Close cuttings need banks. The roots were formed as soon as possible, the light should be practically absent. In the absence of the sun's rays, cuttings are formed very quickly! If you have a glass dish, you will need insulating tape, to make utensils dark.
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  • Water is very important. It can contain microorganisms that provoke putrefaction. To avoid cutting the death, the water should be boiled. Bacteria and fungus can live on the handle. Since prophylactic use activated charcoal (place it in the water, it is remarkable absorbent).
  • Water can not be changed during the entire period of formation of the root system. If you suddenly change the composition, your pet will stress, the result will move the time frame. If the water evaporates, simply top up with her, not be altered.
  • To root cuttings of sheets of violets and fuchsias, you can use a plate-plate. Take the foam or plastic, cut plate and make a hole in the middle. Put on container and insert the cutting. This way you can check to stalk immersed in water at a specific depth. Also, the plate will not allow the water to evaporate rapidly.
  • Number of cuttings in the container also plays a significant role. While some cultures are receptive to the presence of "neighbors", the other "company" seeking to suppress. Accordingly, before the cuttings need to clarify the distinctive features of the species. One of the cuttings may be ill and infect other. Either one will rot - and the rest followed. Thus, in a single container is best to place one stalk. Or you have to constantly monitor the process.

Next, let's talk about how you can make root growth process faster.

A little root growth stimulants

The most famous drug, helped to form the roots much faster, even in the most problematic crops, is "kornevin". However, some growers are inclined to treat this drug very carefully. There is a version that in this way violated the natural process of the formation of the root system, respectively "Spoiled" culture is not accustomed or will grow slowly, which will never happen in the natural growth of the root system.

The successful rooting of cuttings. Photo for the article are taken from the internet
The successful rooting of cuttings. Photo for the article are taken from the internet

By natural growth promoters include yeast, honey, aloe "Stoletnik" infusion of willow branches.

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