Popular species and varieties of juniper

  • Dec 24, 2019

Juniper can be found everywhere: in the wild, in the urban landscape, near private houses, country houses. Various forms can satisfy any designer and gardener.

Juniper can be found everywhere: in the wild, in the urban landscape, near private houses, country houses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Juniper can be found everywhere: in the wild, in the urban landscape, near private houses, country houses. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Description juniper

More than 70 species of this plant grows in the northern hemisphere, in the southern regions of Russia, Crimea. This high evergreen trees, large shrubs, ornamental species. They have barbed needles, "bloom" in April, and in the autumn they begin to ripen green shishkoyagody that ripen next fall. On the bushes can be seen immediately and green and ripe berries.

They have a superficial root system. It is drought-resistant plants grow in any soil, tolerate saline soils. They are resistant and frost, and heat.

Plants rich fitontsidami having antiseptic properties. Planted near homes, recreational areas, in spas, near the hospitals, they create a unique microclimate. Their form volatile antimicrobial zone around itself.
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Their branches with needles and shishkoyagody have healing properties and are used in official and folk medicine. Of them made essential and fatty oils, extracts and various ointments. Shishkoyagody are used in homeopathy.

juniper tall

Red cedar and its varieties are the most popular. It is a tall plant up to 15 m winter-hardy and drought-resistant, tolerates salty soil and a slight shading. It is well shorn. From it create hedges that protect land from wind and Niwaki. The plant is abundantly "blooms", forming a large number of shishkoyagody. Propagated by seeds of this variety, grafting and cuttings.

Juniperus scopulorum to 10 m tall. The red-brown crust on a dark green or blue-gray needles decorate any portion. He has a low crown with their skeletal branches, shishkoyagody large (6 mm) deep blue. He is unpretentious, in the unspoilt nature, prefers stony slopes, grows slowly.

Pendula juniper grows to 15 m in height. Variety is a plant form with spreading weeping branches and gray-green needles.

Juniperus Mayer, reaching a height of 3 m to form a fountain silver needles. This plant will decorate any open track in the landscape.

Juniper varieties are so many. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Juniper varieties are so many. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

juniper undersized

This shrub is popular in any terrain.

Grade Plumosa Chinese selection grows slowly and in 10 years to 1 m in height. He has hard obliquely disposed branch drooping at the ends, pubescent dark green needles. It can decorate any small section. It likes light, hardy, drought resistant, grows on any ground, transports industrial emissions.

Juniperus Blue and Gold low growing slowly, reaches into adulthood 2m original plant -. Kroon irregular, asymmetrical, with soft thornless needles. It has a distinctive color: blue bush decorated with golden-yellow spots. Partial shade of paint plants become faded. Like a lot of light. It grows in any soil. Frost. Decorate small sections, used to produce different compositions.

Juniper J. X media is resistant to unfavorable factors, a diverse palette of colors and shapes. Most popular: compact Pfitzeriana Glauca with silver needles with golden needles Pfitzeriana Aurea. These bushes are elegant and beautiful, they will serve as an ornament to any garden.

creeping juniper

There are a number of varieties. Most original one - Repanda dwarf, reaches up to 20 cm high and 2.5 m diameter This ground cover plant may be grown in pots on roofs, fences, cascading down and singly.. Imbricate branching and versatile direction branches pubescent dark green needles soft top and bottom with silver strips form a correct pincushion terrestris crown. The needles in the winter gets a little brown. He loves the light, frost, grows in any soil.

Describe all the species and varieties of juniper impossible. Here we describe the most popular, original, practical and easy to care for plants.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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