The carpet rose better than usual and why are they so dramatically become popular?

  • Dec 24, 2019

This is an elegant variety of roses. You do not want to waste their time on care? For the first time we decided to create a rose garden? Then, just for you - the choice of ground cover roses!

The successful combination of culture of three important qualities in landscape design:

  • Aesthetic appeal. This low bushes, whose height is no more than fifty centimeters, creating a thick carpet of shoots that are lavishly decorated with foliage, and then - and flowers. Under them you can not see the land! We carpet roses, there are varieties of tall (up to six meters) from the descending branch.
  • Unpretentious to the conditions and care.
  • Long and bloom profusely. Almost the entire summer. Flowers double, semi-double and simple - you can choose any!
Care carpet roses require much less than usual. For the first time these kinds of cultures, which differed short stature, began to plant in the XIX century. Currently displayed a lot of spectacular varieties, which have heard everything florists. Demand for carpet roses increasing annually.
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Ideal for novice gardeners and those who do not have a lot of time caring for the flower garden

Culture as well as all her relatives, is a lover of the sun. Planting ground cover perennials in open ground, can safely wait a lush flowering. Penumbra this culture too may well move. But stagnant moisture and stay in deep shade for the plants are not desirable.

Culture is unpretentious even when adverse effects, as it has strong roots. Frequent watering is not necessary, which reduces the amount of work grower. Pour the rose of watering only in summer, when the air temperature is high, and set the duration (week) drought. Every bush requires in such conditions for about ten liters of water.

Groundcover roses bloom on shoots of different ages
Groundcover roses bloom on shoots of different ages

Constant pruning roses carpet is not required. Just a year cut the diseased and broken branches. In the spring, cut the end of the shoots to bushes culture. Once every five or six years are allowed to carry out a complete rejuvenation - Cut one piece of the plant. You can also conduct an annual cutting of old bushes.

Groundcover roses long (unlike other species) characterized by good resistance to frost. If the cold winter period, you can not grow a climbing rose, then try the carpet. She successfully perezimuet even without insulation, but just in case, use the spruce branches, delaying snow masses and create more heat.

It is easy to multiply and grow rapidly

Carpet roses can perfectly reproduce via cuttings and slips. tenacious culture. It should prikopat escape and fix it in the spring and autumn period to generated a new seedling root system.

This can happen without the help of people. Therefore, this culture is capable of, regardless of anyone secure a seat next. This rose in the second or third year of existence will create a dense mass of foliage and flowers, and will destroy the weeds.

Ground cover roses: Six ideas use in landscape design

Council:Creeping rose horizontal shoots looks nice, if you put the culture stage. Lift partially artificial culture in elevation to create interesting compositions.

With the help of roses can be impressively spice garden:

  • Plant a flower garden in the joint with the other branches. Because of short stature, place the plant in the foreground.
  • Create borders of roses: along the building, a fence and footpath.
  • Come up on the grass pokoshennoy elegant island.
  • Embellish the terrace and a gentle slope. These cultures also are the protectors of relief from erosion.
  • Compact variety can grow in a container. Small rosettes look bright in a flowerpot or hanging planters.

Choose from all the rose varieties are those that are to your taste

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