Rules of growing basil from seeds in open ground

  • Dec 24, 2019

Translated from the Greek word "basil" means king. This name, this spicy herb gained through taste, incredible aroma and a huge list of useful properties. Seasoning is in great demand in the Mediterranean countries. In Italy, it is prepared sauce "Pesto" and the French prefer to mix it with the tomatoes. In Russia began to grow basil is not so long ago, but many gardeners have already managed to learn all the agricultural practices. How to sow basil in open ground? What to do with the first shoots? About all this below.

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Ancient history purple and red basil

Basil became known to mankind for more than 5,000 years ago. All this time he was actively used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Tea basil has a soothing effect on the nervous system and body toning. The drink contributes to the improvement of the liver and gallbladder.

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Basil in a pot closeup
Basil in a pot closeup
Basil is considered the birthplace of Africa. In Russia, about the miracle properties of this herb we have learned in the 18th century. At the time of her prepared as tonics and cosmetics masks. Today, basil is also not cease to be used to improve skin condition.

Description of the bush

Basil is an annual plant with a short-elongated leaves. Its stem can reach up to 60 cm in height. Root has branching, it is close to the ground surface. Leaves and stems are downy hairs. flower color - white, pale pink. The fruits resemble nuts, mature group of 4 pcs. and can remain viable for up to 5 years.

How many varieties can be planted in the country?

A variety of varieties of basil impresses with its abundance. The most popular among them - basil. In Africa you can find basil, which has blue leaves. In Mexico grow basil brown, south-east Asia - a lemon. The plant with purple leaves is not as pronounced flavor, but due to its bright color, it is used for decoration of dishes.

Preparing seedlings at home in spring

Sowing seeds to seedlings held in late March. Their pre-soaked in warm water or a mild solution of potassium permanganate. After 2 chasa liquid is discharged. Suitable for growing seedlings pots and boxes, the depth of which is at least 10 cm. At the bottom of the container is laid drainage layer then pochvosmes consisting of peat, humus, sand (in a ratio of 4: 2: 1).

In the soil, make holes 1 cm deep and laid the seeds in them. Top notch sprinkled the ground and sprayed using a spray bottle. After all these manipulations of the crops covered with foil or glass. Pots of them put in a warm place. The next stage involves proper care of seedlings:

  • Once a day, a film or glass is removed and allowed crops to be aired.
  • From inside the condensate collection should be carried out.
  • The soil must be periodically watered moderate amount of water.
Observe the appearance of the first sprouts can be within 7 days. This is a sign that the seedlings need to open. Once full rise sheet rostochku should sit down and leave between them a distance of 5 cm.

When the leaves will be 5, the tip of the shoots pinch. This is to ensure that the plant was thicker. In late spring sprouts, germinated at home, can be sent to a bed. To do so is allowed only after 5 formed leaves. While this amount will not be landing not worth spending.

One week before planting in open ground, it is necessary to harden. To this end, it should make the fresh air on a daily basis. The duration of the first treatment hardening - 15 minutes. Next time stay on the street should be brought up to 24 hours.

How to plant seeds or seedlings in open ground

Under the influence of low temperatures basil dies. In this regard, the seedlings are planted in beds, when the pass by the morning frost. It is best to plant the plant in the spring, in mid-May. Scheme for sowing may be any.

Basil responds well to a fertile, liquid pervious soil. mandatory fertilization is required before boarding. Per 1 m2 introduced 2 kg of humus, peat and compost.

The distance between the shoots should be about 40 cm. The depth of holes - 10 cm. Before planting, the wells are necessarily watered.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting basil in the same place two years in a row. If you do not address this point, on the leaves of plants appear brown spots, and eventually there will be its downfall. This disease is called Fusarium. His pathogens considered fungi that live in soil for a long time. The optimal interval between landings should be 5 years.

Cultivation and maintenance of the green shoots of basil in the garden

Basil grown in a barrel
Basil grown in a barrel

Basil leaves to please its spicy taste and healthy leaves, it is necessary to provide proper care. Plant needs abundant watering warm water defended. It is best to fill her plastic barrel, put in the sun and wait for the warm-up. By evening, the water can be used for irrigation.

During soil moisture should try not to pour water sprouts. Excess moisture lead to defeat blackleg. The spice grows well, if you make it under nitrogen fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out after 14 days from the date of transplanting in the garden. To increase the green mass of the plants, in addition to topping tops require cutting flowers.

The soil around the bushes of basil loosen, remove all weeds. During the summer you need to spend 6-7 such procedures. When weeding and hoeing are over, the sprouts sprinkled with warm water.

Gathering crops in the garden

Gathering basil leaves should be carried out before it blooms. During this period it is abundant accumulation of vitamins and essential oils. The fact that the grass can be cut prompt immature buds.

Flowering basil lasts until autumn. The plant loves the heat, so it should be placed in a home or in a greenhouse until the first frost. It grows well in pots for indoor plants. Basil will not only decorate the room, but also to fill it with an incredible spicy flavor.

proper drying

When the crop is harvested, it must be dry. This can be done in different ways:

  • On open air. The leaves are washed, scavenge, laid out on a towel. After the water drain, they are placed on a baking sheet. If the leaves are large, it is best to collect them in bunches, tie and hang drying on a rope in the room with warmth.
  • In the oven. The clean and dried leaves spread on a tray and sent to an oven preheated to 400˚S for 2 h.
  • In the microwave. For drying herbs device include at full capacity and leave the plant in it for 3 minutes.

Determine the readiness of basil can be manually. If it is completely dried out, the greens will crumble in their hands. For storing spices suitable glass jars or packets of paper.

Freeze whole leaves

care of plants basil
care of plants basil

Prepare the basil leaves in the winter can be achieved by freezing. For this purpose they are washed, immersed for several seconds in boiling water, then in cold. After these procedures contrasting leaves are laid out on a towel. Once they dry out, they need to be expanded on bags and sent for storage in the freezer.

Fast freeze chopped leaves

For rapid freezing basil, the leaves need to wash, chop and add water. The fluid expanded in cups and send it in the freezer. If you replace the water with olive oil, you get a model that can be used for frying.

basil seeds
basil seeds

The basil leaves contain vitamins, essential oils, beneficial to the body. The essential oil has a bactericidal action. This spice should be included in the menu to reduce cholesterol in the blood. For plants typical of the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It heals wounds, eliminates muscle spasms, reduces flatulence.

With the cultivation of basil in the country to handle even a novice gardener. The plant is unpretentious and does not require special attention. It rises quickly and actively growing. A pick of this spice is not always necessary. Harvesting and harvesting also involves difficulties. If you follow all the rules of cultivation, you can get a good harvest and to get this useful spice the whole year.

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