Here's what you can plant in the garden after harvest of winter garlic

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Garlic is usually harvested in the second half of July. After that you should be careful about what kind of plants you want and you can put on a free space. Moreover, the plant is not only this year but also in the next season.

In this article we will discuss in detail what it is culture, can be planted after the garlic in what month. Not all plants will be able to settle down in the same area, and there is another very useful to grow.

Experienced gardeners, seriously engaged in agriculture, of course, have heard of such a thing as crop rotation. It means the alternation of crops on the territory of the landing. This results in the improvement of the quality of land, reduces the amount of harmful insects and diseases. Often gardeners are planting system "roots-tops", but it is not working in all cases. To distribute the plants correctly, it is necessary to more accurately see what the vegetation can be planted on the site of the old seedlings.

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Garlic can be seen on almost any vegetable plots, it is very popular. A very valuable and antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of the vegetable. He does not need special care and complex, quietly tolerate low temperatures and easily propagated. This is a perennial herb produces Phytoncides substance that remains in the soil and fights disease and helps to destroy harmful insects.

For your information!
It is not recommended to plant a permanent residence the same site more than two years, because they are prone to constant disease and harmful insects. Since Garlic belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae, species of the genus Onion, his place is absolutely not recommended to plant flowers with root bulb system (tulips, gladiolus, daffodils), as well as wild garlic, onions, leeks and shallot.

Treatment beds after collecting garlic

Whatever possessed antibacterial properties of garlic, the effect of volatile production may weaken in the soil can be got garlic mites, powdery mildew, nematodes, and other dangerous plant disease and insects. In most cases, this occurs because of a violation of technology of cultivation of the soil, or due to bad weather conditions. It is recommended to carry out the processing of land 1% sodium sulfate. Easy to prepare it for that dissolve 100 g per 10 liters of water. So many you can handle 2 m2 garden. No harm will enter into urea primer in a ratio of 20 g per 1m2. After all podpitok need to pour the whole area with water.

At the end of the season to make a vegetable garden throughout the humus, manure, compost or mulch. This will pave the way to spring and the new crops.

What to plant in July and August after garlic

Once collected garlic, and free up space, experienced gardeners planting greenery. For vegetables and fruit ripening time it is too little, but grow vitamin vegetation just happens. Before planting a flower bed lure complex fertilizers, and only then you can plant parsley, dill, celery, lettuce, spinach and more.

To vegetation planted in the ground in the summer, not suffered from the drought, I had a juicy bright green, the seeds should be sown in early water-soaked ground. Watering should be done in the evening for the present day with warm water.

Just have time to ripen early maturing varieties of radish and cucumber if plant them in July. The vacancy is suitable for Chinese cabbage. After receiving proper care, the plant will be able to produce good fruit.

What to plant in August

In late summer, you can use the space for planting radishes. You can not put across a bed, and on some parts of it in the remaining space can be put greens. For sowing fit absolutely any sort of radish plant it is necessary until mid-August. The seeds should be located at a depth of 2 cm, 20-30 cm apart and on a bed of 30-40 cm - is the width of the aisles. To protect vegetation from the appearance of cruciferous flea beetles, they should be treated with ash.

For your information!
You can get a rich harvest of radishes, if you put it in its place cucumber growth, tomatoes and legumes.

Good solution will also give the soil rest. Plant green manure land - green-manures. They favor the restoration of soil. They can plant beds and autumn. For this purpose, suitable plants such as the lupine, mustard, clover, oats, peas, and other ornithopus. After planting, they remain in place until the spring, preparing the ground for planting new seedlings.

In spring once again plant the beds, then mow grown plants before they bloom. And you can start planting crops planned. A beveled stems are ideal for fertilizer or they can be added to the compost pile.

Doing this kind of work you will help the soil to grow good plants strong and get from them a great harvest.

Planting garlic in autumn series

In the fall the vacated beds can be planted garden strawberries. Due phytoncides garlic, which contribute to the destruction of harmful bacteria and insects. Among other things, planting strawberries in the former bed of garlic, you will forget about the gray mold. Bushes grow strong and will bear fruit abundantly.

Next to the garlic can be planted strawberries, these cultures live well together. Only need to organize the space between their beds.

What crops to plant next year

The next step is to determine what plants will be placed on the garlic beds next year. Choose a few, because you can grow garlic since almost anything ::

  • early potato varieties;
  • Beans, peas, lentils and other legumes;
  • garden strawberries;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin.

Carrots will grow perfectly in place garlic, and volatile, remaining in the soil, help protect from carrot root.

But cauliflower or cabbage or beets there are unlikely to grow well, if only to make the soil enough fertilizer before winter.

Tomatoes can also be planted after the garlic, but with the proviso that the intended area is in place sheltered from the wind and does not cover the shadow. Then you can build from them a decent crop.

It should be planted garlic in its place

Planting garlic again on the same flower bed can, if there is growing for the first time. After the second harvest, better to change the habitat, and in its place to plant other plants. this is done so as not to expose the plant diseases and insect pests attack.

To plant garlic in its place of growth is possible after 4 to 6 years.

In this article, we figured out what crops should be planted in place of garlic and with some better not to do. In general, after the land is suitable for planting garlic almost any vegetation. Exceptions can only make garlic relatives.

Ground before the next planting vegetation necessary to lure complex fertilizers. Settling beds in summer, better to choose plants fast-growing varieties.

This and many other materials can be found on our website.

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