How to plant tomato seedlings overgrown

  • Dec 24, 2019

If the seedlings grow in height, but it stems not have time to harden and get enough chlorophyll, it becomes unsuitable for planting. This is evidenced by the pale appearance and lack of lush vegetation.

However, by taking a number of actions you can plant overgrown tomato seedlings and expect that it will bring the harvest.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting tomato seedlings in the ground. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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preparation plant

Because tomatoes are not strengthened, they need to be tempered. It will take 5-7 days. Expose the sprouts in the evening or in cloudy weather. Gradually increase the exposure time ranging from 2 hours and ending days.

This procedure will prepare the seedlings to finding in the sun, and strengthen the roots.

To stop the growth of shoots, resort to their shortening. To do this, cut off the lower leaves, and raise the level of the ground in a pot, so that the roots begin to form. Create additional space by using a cardboard tube inserted into the ground.
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Another way is that the plant is cut into two portions: the top and bottom. This will delay the formation of the fruit of 2 weeks.

A portion in which the remaining roots, will escape (stepson). Stem with leaves should be placed in a container with water or a solution and wait for the emergence of a new root system. Only after that can be planted in the ground.

This method makes it possible not only to strengthen the seedlings, but also makes it possible to delay the time of transplant sprouts in the garden or a greenhouse, if the scheduled landing time has not yet come.

Transplanting in greenhouse and outdoor garden

Terms of greenhouses allow not depend on weather conditions and make it easier to disembark, because you can achieve the desired temperature and lighting technical way.

The landing tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
The landing tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

You need to loosen the soil and fertilize. For this purpose, as the chemical formulations based on phosphorus and potassium, as well as natural components: manure, ash, yeast, crushed grass.

Foliar use the infusion of ash, which protects plants from diseases and pests. It is not recommended to plant tomatoes where the shoots were infected fitosporami because it can destroy them.

The depth of the trench should be 20-25 cm, and width - 15-20 cm. Before planting it is poured warm water, and then laid out in the recesses sprouts. When a pit covered with earth, near the tomatoes set bars for support, tie the stems and again watered seedlings.

After 2 weeks, you need to re-fertilize the soil. If the plants have taken root and started to grow, move on to the standard scheme of care for tomatoes. It's worth noting that the roots close to the surface. In order not to hurt them need to weed the garden with caution.

Selection method Bedding depends on the degree of escalating seedlings (standard size - 15-25 cm):

  • 30-centimeter bushes enough to harden for a few days, and they will be ready for planting on a par with the other seedlings. They are not considered defective, but they are not recommended to purchase in the market.
  • Srednepererosshey considered seedlings 45 cm long, with 6 leaves and buds of emerging. The likelihood that she will get accustomed, is 60%, then there is a risk that the new ovary appear, and previously appeared not bring the harvest. These shoots are more prone to disease. They are planted at an angle, so that not only the roots, but also the lower part of the stem is underground. When using the method A. Kazarina soil is saturated with a large number of one-time fertilizer and watered abundantly, after which the plant is left without care. It stimulates the root system stronger and pumping water out of the ground independently.
  • Seedlings from 50 cm to 1 m are called strongly overgrown. If it turns out to ensure that they have taken root, it is necessary to make efforts to the plant did not die from the disease, wind, and so forth. Planted them horizontally, back to the south. After fertilization, irrigation and soil mulching tying the stems straw or cover material that protects against evaporation of moisture and sunlight. When the roots and shoots will become stronger, you can go to the standard care.

Preparing seedlings for planting and its further strengthening takes time, so it is expected that the harvest will be later than planned.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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