How to cheat the customer? Construction tricks and how sold the air!

  • Dec 24, 2019
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I welcome you, dear guests!

And let's just start with the fact on which the stages of repair / construction may be committed fraud, there are not many:

  • procurement of materials;
  • the quality of work;
  • disappearance prepaid.

Do not argue, all the ways to have a place to be! But most likely will not leave much cash anyway but to leave without signing a contract assigning a substantial prepayment. In other cases, the customer can get caught and very intelligent. Alternatively, it can be safe by the contract, but still videofiksatsiyu supply, and can climb on the tonsils in the production process and check thoroughly done, for example, compliance with the installed equipment manufacturer's invoice and Facts! Nooo!

The most effective way - to sell it to the air and possibly for the customer "remains good", the client can continue to recommend such a master! The air - it's like that (that without which the customer does not get worse)! Work, building material, building material + work, extra work. The main thing - "to cheat in the ears", so that the customer did not understand, and even more did not know how to evaluate this action.

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Let's look at a few types of work:

1. Bricklaying.

There are virtually no air. At the stage of the construction - the work is easy to check, you can spend a stud frozen solution. Leaning level or plumb, compare the number in the masonry and brought into the bricks. Because bricklayer exalts himself, is that he is in the fifth generation mason - the same one will not overpay! As for the material - it is the volume! Few who venture from under the nose of stealing bricks or cement. Although rare, but these are.

2. RC foundation or slab.

Here the air a lot more: what do we do with the cement milk, it is necessary to enclose anything; let zaarmiruem diagonally for rigidity; executed corner reinforcement reinforced fittings, I'll bend the 16 th for 500 rubles.; footing thicker need to do; formwork necessarily strengthen braces! ))) If you do not understand that what is used - overpay a half times! Minimum! As to the materials, and at work! Another forgotten: it is necessary formwork in cellophane wrap or paint that does not adhere to the concrete. With you 100 rubles per square meter - in cash, please))).

3. Roof.

On the roof more complicated. 90% of manufacturers selling accessories in the manual or on the wrapper is very clearly illustrate: volumes used for a variety of space rays, but other than that and Mounting Solutions!There really is everything: a step rafters, battens, counter battens, patty razrisuy your roof completely, and stacking circuit in a gift wrapped! So "my grandfather was a roofer" I am also not a ride. Although small and fixing can pocket).

As a result, we see that the box at home - it is checked, and make it to the builder "focus" is very much difficult, and if possible - then the sum will be released just too small. Let's move on to the utility networks.

Here it is time "X". Here the customer can finally swim. Not knowing or controlling the process, you will begin to give grandmother the right and left.

In front of my eyes as much as two examples of your own home the same: it's heating and electricity.

Here's one: I have never encountered with heating, I had to delve into. Internet help! I personally calculated the heating of the boiler bypass, found footage of pipes floor heating, fully length of heating pipes each diameter, the number of circuits as the floor heating and the radiator system and power radiators for heating each room.

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And I came out of the materials without the two-circuit boiler and radiators without: 67 000 rubles. (Prices 2019)! In this price is completely whole set, as the saying goes, take it and do: all the fasteners, 3 collector, 400 m of floor heating pipes. 200 m. Radiator 20 of ball valves, strainers and the remaining fines: coupling American, fittings, rallies))).

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Autumn is coming, he would have made, but other cases fully addressed in the "company"! And what do you think? Materials - 90 000, Employment - 110 000. I ask: "for what show?". I was able to prove the material is only 70 000 rubles., The rest is just thrown over the top as dop.materiala! (Or maybe not enough). None of this of course does not expect a direct question! Very large appetites and a small percentage of knowledgeable people! 110,000 from the sum if two people will work a week? About 8000 every day? I would not mind so too))).

As for the electrical, I too found myself. My scheme:

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If you can easily count the number of points (sockets and switches), it is very difficult to calculate the meters to lay cables. I was in one office announced 20 000 rub. only miscalculation route cable (such as the optimal route itinerary), to reduce the number of cables and not cross it at fixing suspended ceilings. What is that shit? I'll show you himself where he was to make in the house 8 x 10. What there may be an optimal route!? In addition (to fool) added two bays of 100m cable. Which will definitely odd!!! What for? Like what, they also another house to do! )))
And with video surveillance at all happening magical things, like installation of video - is a ritual! Nothing complicated - from each camera need to traverse the cable to the DVR, but why give the dough fivefold longer just for the fact that this cable for camcorders.

So, the greatest costs of "air" throughout the engineering system at home fall (by priority):

  1. Ventilation.
  2. Wiring.
  3. Installation of low-voltage systems.
  4. Heating.
  5. Water supply.
  6. Sewerage.

How to see that in front of you and you buy magicians air?

Elementary! If you do not understand, for that lay out the money, you pay part of the amount of air! Definitely! Installers also themselves buy materials at your expense, to take the next object))). And from there on full swing, of course if your home does not become the next target of this!

In order not to fall, it is required to perform a few simple steps:

1. Understand yourself and understand: And in the budget and the draft (if any)!

2. Find a person who clearly explain and you will read is your project!

3. "Break" the proposed price over the Internet! At least for large products.

4. Ask the appointment of the purchased equipment. It is sacred, because after installation you will be one on one with these units !!!

It is important to understand that the repair or the private house-building are no difficult decisions. Of course require any special knowledge, but the result - always simple and understandable to anyone. Do not be lazy and do not be afraid to climb there, you do not know. It will pay for itself (uniquely) with a vengeance! Man with multiple classes can understand the formation, which is used both as running any mechanism. It is not necessary to understand the inside, quite understand the purpose! Each Everyone can understand ventilation, air-conditioning, electricity, heating, etc.

Of course, if you earn extra 3 thousand. green, you can trust the "pros" and they will do everything. But I, even if he earns so much, you still have studied more myself!

Thanks for attention! I really hope that the material has helped you!

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