Neprogoraemy chimney made of stainless steel for the boiler. Choosing a brand of the proposed consumer goods!

  • Dec 24, 2019
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In this article I will discuss how to choose a quality chimney for a single-circuit or two-circuit, wall or floor of the boiler.

The choice of material for the chimney is based on the conditions in which it will be operated. As in any case the chimney for gas boilers should be used gilzovanie the entire length of the tubeGoing through all the floors and through the roof space up.

The liner is a barrier material between the chimney shaft and products of fuel combustion. As the liner can be used as the ceramic modules and the stainless steel pipe. In the case of ceramics, - acquire specific modules, and in the process of laying their place vnurti walls, forming a high-quality design for the removal of gases. But ceramic chimney out expensive!

If considered as a chimney - stainless steel, making the wrong choice - you can get stuck in a few years nasty history - steel burned and begin the destruction of the material inside the chimney shaft brick or any other pipe!

Photo from the Internet
Photo from the Internet

to stainless steel Requirements for discharging gas boilers of combustion products are as follows:

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  • chemical inertness;
  • heat resistance;
  • high corrosion resistance.
It is no secret that the temperature of gas and dymootvedeniya modern gas boiler is in the range up to 200 ° C, and it is a low temperature operating regime. With this mode in winter dew point is always located inside the tube, rather than outside it, both in solid fuel fired boilers / furnaces at 400-700 ° C, and therefore the condensate in the pipe inevitable!!! This is where high corrosion resistance is required!

And since in the combustion process acid formed, and this explosive mixture flows down the walls of the chimney, together with the condensate, it should enter into operation chemical inertness steel!

steel grade

shelves crammed with a variety of stainless steel pipes, offer an incredible range of products, and cheap and expensive. But how to choose?

Simply! The majority of existing in the market have steel AISI 304 (analog 08H18N10). It belongs to the class of stainless steel. Actually it has high levels of resistance to corrosion in corrosive environments and high resistance to oxidation. It does not react to the impact of either nitric or acetic acid in high concentrations.

Suffice seller called diameter of the chimney and the steel grade!

Not very popular, due to gullible buyers to cheaper and lower-quality product, but there is a market. In 1 of the 10 stores are sure to find. Marking become listed on the label or on the steel itself is knocked out / machine printed characters.

Yes, it's not very cheap steel, will cost 2 times higher than the market of consumer goods, but it is not 2 times to 10 times.

Good luck building!

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