Wife learned how to make toothpaste with their hands. Now only her and brush our teeth!

  • Dec 24, 2019

That earlier only care about cleanliness, and now a new feature, takes care of health. Seen matured, grown wiser.

I read somewhere recipe homemade toothpaste with their hands. All baldness had eaten until I told her finally bought all the ingredients required for this.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

With his wife's words, toothpaste to make their own very easily. Now all her friends and friends advised her to try to do. Assures that they will succeed and they will clean your teeth very most natural toothpaste.

According to her, who use their own prepared toothpaste, be sure that it will not harm your body and does not contain harmful chemicals.

I have it in principle Ensure consistency of her words, and I agreed with her.

Now just I think that to make a toothpaste with any flavor that you like, everyone can, and happy to use it.

As mentioned earlier, it is quite easy to do.

Next I will talk about the recipe, and each of you will understand how easy it is.

Here's what you need to get started:

- 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;

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- 1/4 cup of the coconut oil;

- 1/4 of a cup of baking soda;

- a natural sweetener without calories;

- any essential oil of your choice.

Cooking process:

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

1. Take coconut oil. If coconut oil is too hard, then melt it a little bit, but not as long as it does not turn into a liquid.

2. Whisk coconut oil until smooth.

3. Add the baking soda and continue beating. These two substances have a good connect.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

4. Then add the hydrogen peroxide and continue stirring.

5. Then it's time to sweetener and essential oil. But do not add a lot of essential oils, should be a maximum of two drops. Choose any essential oil, perfect orange, menthol, peppermint, clove, cinnamon and others.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

6. Then you need a small container that can be squeezed in order to keep your toothpaste. Can take a used tube of toothpaste, rinse it and fill your own natural toothpaste.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

As you can see live a self-sufficient life is quite simple and not expensive.

And yet his wife says that in addition to toothpaste, you can make your own soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, washing liquid.

Brush toothpaste own cooking. They'll tell you just thank you!

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