Mice bring a lot of trouble to man. They eat up winter stocks of vegetables, grains, cereals, gnaw the bark of trees, spoiled tubers growing on the site, as well as cause damage to things. But the most unpleasant and dangerous is that they carry a variety of infections that are easy to catch.
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The methods of struggle against rodents
Many people in order to get rid of small rodents, are arranged trap, give birth to cats, use poison. Developed ultrasonic devices, scaring the animals. No less effective method of dealing with them are plants that can help to get rid of mice.
natural defenders
Cheap and humane tool for pest control are plants. These include:
- Daffodils. The bulbs of these flowers should be spread in the house, or spread across the garden, mixed with coriander. This mixture of cultural deter pests from plants.
- Colchicum autumnal. It is a poisonous plant. To prepare the bait you need to mix it with any grains seeds and spread out in the habitat of rodents. If the crocus plant near her house, then it will scare mice.
- Ledum palustre. It has a deterrent effect of its fragrance. Effective against insects. Part of the plant must be expanded at the entrance to the burrow.
- Pests can not tolerate the smell of elderberries. It can be put in the home and other premises. Growing elder in the area to protect the bulbs of flowers and trees, and its branches can be added to the covering material.
- Feverfew. It helps in protecting the bark of trees. It is recommended to tie the trunks or stems of pyrethrum plant put in shrubs roots.
- Coriander (cilantro). Plant recommended sow places most prone to attack mice. Dry stalks can be expanded in the house or basement.
- The stems of tomato used in dry form. In autumn you want to collect already withered plant and chop tops. After which it can pour into the trees and bushes.
- Chernokoren exudes fragrance feared mouse, and prickly leaves cling to the hair, so avoid rodent habitats of this plant.
- With thistles can protect crops. You need to place spikes with seeds around the boxes. When the mouse encounter tenacious of the mug, then they leave without risking to move on.
- The sharp smell of sage repels not only mice but also insects. The branches spread out in the house, the basement and on the land.
- Chamomile fragrance repels rodents. Flowers not only beautify the site but also to protect the plantings.
- In order to protect crops from pests, you need to put tansy beams in the cellar and other outbuildings.
- Marsh clover contains coumarin, which exudes a fragrant aroma, a daunting voles.
- A series of tripartite deters pests tenacious seeds and their smell.
- bait made from crow's eyes. To do this, you need root to grind and mix with sunflower seeds. When using required to comply with security measures, since the plant is poisonous.
- Aconite tubers, mixed with grains or flour, will serve as a good tool. They also contain poison.
- Dried mint or an alcohol tincture deter from mice home mol and ants. Sprigs of fresh mint save by mosquitoes.
- Marigolds are popular with summer residents, not only because of its beauty, but also because of the beneficial properties. The flowers exude a strong and specific aroma, which is not like a mouse. To protect the trees dried marigold stems need to attach to the base of the trunks. Bulbs will save the crushed parts of a flower. The house and other facilities need to be expanded tops.
Baits should be placed in the reach of the mice, but you must make sure that they do not eat pets, because Many plants are poisonous.
original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.
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