Solved a problem. Windows is now in the apartment do not sweat!

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Most owners of plastic windows meet the challenges of their fogging. This theme is most relevant today, when the winter is not far off.

summer seems everything is fine.

In the spring, all too well, and the fall does not bring much.

But here's the winter! All the windows misted with them pouring water stream. What is the problem? And you need to do in this situation?

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

And it is not clear in the winter. Or maybe they are freezing? Why are they in such an amount of condensate accumulates? But why?

Yes, of course you can survive the winter. Armed with a cloth to wipe the condensation on the glasses, wipe the sill, which eventually this condensate drains.

In the end, a doormat in the course is when condensate is already crowded the windowsill to the floor drains!

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Especially designed, immediately begin to call the company's customer support that these plastic Onka has established.

And what do you think? For them to work for free? How to quickly respond to your complaint?

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Right. Will pour out of a sieve, to give stupid advice, if only by the masters do not send!

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

And you would not believe, but to solve the problem of sweaty windows very, very simple. And it will take you quite a bit of time and a minimum of material costs. Negotiations with firmachi, we will take you a lot longer!

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Let's go back to the history of the installation in your flat plastic windows. It seems that everything done by Feng Shui experts, all of truisms. And it seemed to work for them no questions.

But it was summer. And what about the winter? And I'm not for a moment doubt that the windows fog up because of the jamb installers. Rushed to coin money, not all done qualitatively.

But I'm not special in these windows, called his friend, who has more than 10 years sets the window. He came, and the work of installers quarrel to the nines.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

I make adjustments. Everything has adjusted as necessary. But in the end, he called the root cause fogging.

It was the fact that there was no seal between the plastic frames and proper sill.

This gap is the main cause condensation. You just need to take silicone and seal the connection.

After all, even through the microscopic air gap arrives at the slightest breeze, which is the cause condensation.

Nonsense, you say? Winter will give answers to all questions. At least I coped with this slot, and then we'll see!

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